Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen
There was a seriousness to Sebastian's voice that made my palms sweat, heart thump, and mouth dry. I didn't even need to look at his face to know that the topic was a matter of life and death for someone. I took deep even breaths to try and calm my heart.
"Eve, I am telling-no I am begging-for you to hear me out until the end. Please allow me to finish before you react."
Would I be able to sit here and hear him out? I gulped, "All I can do, is try."
His face didn't change but he nodded. "You already know about my true nature, but did you ever question why young Ciel and one such as myself crossed paths?"
I took a moment to think about it. I had never stopped to fully look at the picture as a whole. I never did question their relationship. I was so involved in myself and Sebastian that Ciel was like a background figure. I never noticed when he came and went unless Sebastian was there too. Did I ever even talk to him? Guilt began to sink in.
"Eve." Sebastian's voice dragged me back to reality. "You see, my master and I, we have a different kind of contract. He's never mentioned it in front of you, but his parents were murdered. Burned up in a fire and gone from his life like a candle being snuffed out."
My hand found my face in horror. I'd never wondered why his parents weren't around. I thought it was just general knowledge that they weren't there. "Sebastian, that's horrible."
He played with my fingers as he continued. "He was kidnapped, humiliated, and violated in ways you should never know of. That was when he accidentally summoned me. I forged a contract with him stating that until we found out who murdered his parents, I would never leave his side. The cost...was his soul."
I fell from the bed in utter shock. He had to be kidding...right? Ciel, the little boy who was so cold and serious, he would die and have his soul consumed?
"You didn't let me finish."
"That's a lot to dump on one person at one time! I don't think it was fair of you to expect me to sit still while we discuss the death of the boy just down the hall!" My voice was shaky.
"Eve. I already know who did it. That's why the contract has been prolonged."
I stood from the floor. "Well then, who did it?" I fully intended to hunt them down and hurt them my damned self.
"It was the same person who caused you so much distress."
"E-Emilio...he did this?" I grabbed my clothes from the floor and stumbled until I was standing. I felt horrible that someone who played such a huge part in my past was the one to do Ciel so much wrong. I was throwing on my clothing as I made my way down the hall right to Ciel's door. I raised my fist to knock but the door opened before I could.
"What is it? You're not exactly a quiet runner when you're panicked. Not like I could sleep anyway with the racket you two were making earlier."
I threw my arms around the grumpy boy and squeezed. He struggled to get out of my grasp and I struggled to hold on. We found ourselves in the middle of the room. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?"
"Ciel, I was just told the most horrid thing. Please tell me that-"
"Eve!"Sebastian yelled from the door. I didn't realize he had followed me out of the room. In the back of my mind, I was surprised that Sebastian had even raised his voice. He was usually so composed.
I ran back to Sebastian. He towered over me. I banged my fists on his chest. "DON'T DO IT! HE DOESN'T DESERVE IT!" I screamed at him.
He looked down at me and firmly said,"I have to." My screams turned into sobs and my knees became weak. I fell slowly to the floor in a crying heap of emotion.
A hand appeared in front of my face and I looked at it through my teary eyes. My gaze followed the length of the arm, to an elbow, then a shoulder, until they landed on Ciel's face. He had removed his eyepatch and both eyes showed compassion and remorse. His voice was soft and understanding. "I take it Sebastian finally told you the details of our contract?"
"Ciel, your eye..."
Sebastian was suddenly behind him with his bare hand next to the boy's face. There was a tetragram on the back of Sebastian's hand. It matched the one on Ciel's eye. "Merely my mark as proof of our contract. If he were to run, I could always follow him. If he were to hide, I could always find him. There's no way to escape the contract."
"You guys can't do this. Please don't do this. Please tell me this is all all a sick joke. Or a really horrible nightmare. "I begged as I firmly grasped Ciel's outstretched hand. I used my other hand to pinch my thigh in hopes of being asleep.
Ciel knelt down next to me. "It is already done." He then leaned closer to whisper in my ear. "Eve, thank you so, so much for crying for me. A person such as I, truly doesn't deserve it. Don't hold this against either Sebastian or myself. Do forgive him one day."
A new rush of tears escaped my eyes and down my face as I pulled him closer so that my arms were around him. When he returned my hug, my silent tears became loud wails. "P-Please Ciel. Don't go. You gave me a home and you let Sebastian love me. You let me stay even after my horrible past was involved in our present." I looked at his face. The contract mark was gone from his now watery eyes. He swallowed audibly.
"Eve, I really wish I had had more time to know you. This is my farewell to you." Ciel turned to Sebastian who was watching the scene with an emotionless mask. "Get her out of here before we proceed. I don't want her to witness this. When you return, you shall tell me what I want to know. We will continue from there."
"As you wish, Young Master." I turned my head to find Sebastian now standing behind me.
Ciel placed a small kiss on my cheek. "Goodbye, Eve." A single tear had escaped from its confinement and was rolling down his face.
I suddenly found myself whisked up into the air and being carried off by a rough acting Sebastian. I kicked, hit, bit, and screamed, all in attempt to get him to put me down so I could run to the child and leave with him to a faraway place. The corridors passed by in a blur and before I knew it, I landed on the ground outside.
"Behave, Eve." Sebastian commanded before he abruptly left. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. The turmoil of my emotions inside me was so uncontrollable. Jumping off of bridges or in front of carriages crossed my mind.
So I ran.
-Sebastian's POV-
I had hurt Eve.
I was callous towards her. And now, I was returning to the boy whose soul I had coveted just a few years ago. My contracts never usually lasted this long. And they never involved me feeling any kind of emotion. Now, I had fallen in love and the little brat really grew on me. Eve wasn't the only one who was going to be wrecked after the contract ended. My hands balled into moist fists as I walked back into Ciel's room.
"Sebastian. I can already guess who it was. I felt it every time he came around."
"Are you ready?" I asked, ignoring his statement. Him knowing wasn't a surprise at all.
"A deal's a deal." The boy sounded void of all life and of all emotion. I motioned for him to sit down. I would feel less horrible if he were more comfortable.
"Is it going to hurt?" His question surprised me. My eyebrow lifted.
"I'm afraid so."
"Good. Make it as painful as possible."
I grimaced. He wasn't making this any easier for me. I knelt down to his eye level and I felt my eyes begin to glow. I tilted his chin up, placed my forefinger and my thumb on either side of his face, opened my mouth wide, and proceeded to devour Ciel's soul.
I choked down my newfound emotions while I savored the taste of the very boy I was grieving over.
-Eve's POV-
Where I was, I didn't know.
Who I was with, I was all too aware of.
He stood across from me, a glint in his eye as he took in my current state. He was probably amused by my grieving and suffering.
"I can answer all your questions, you know? Way better than that silver haired weirdo. I can even decode the cryptic dreams you call nightmares."
"How can I trust you? I don't even know your name."I countered.
"Call me Creator. Call me the Ruler of the Underworld. Hell, call me Father. I don't actually care. But you, you should care."
"Because I created you. I am your beginning."
"What are you talking about?" I was so confused.
"Why don't you sit, Child. It is quite a long story if you ask me. Then again, I'm not a man of many words."
There was suddenly a bench in the middle of the greening in which we were standing. I heard an owl hoot in the distance and the cicadas in the trees. Crickets chirped happily in the grass. I slowly and cautiously made my way to where he was now sitting. He patted the seat next to him and I reluctantly sat down.
"You don't know who you are. You can't even imagine what you are and the abilities you possess."he started.
"What do you mean?" I wasn't even capable at feeling any type of shock at this point. I was monotone.
"Well, you've heard that your Sebastian and I were dear friends, right?"
I nodded.
"You see, that's where your story begins. Back before Sebastian left, I wanted to give him a gift. A beautiful gift that he could cherish for as long as he exists. It wasn't hard to see that he was lonely, no matter how much he denied it. So, it really wasn't hard to decide what to give him. I worked a bit of magic, pulled a few strings, and now here you are. My gift to Sebastian. Created solely by me for him to do as he pleases. I did throw in a consciousness and room in that perfect head of yours to learn, grow, and mature. What I could not include however, was a soul." He paused to take in my reaction.
I just waved my hand to keep him talking.
"You have no soul, Eve. No way to age beyond this point. And you have abilities that not even I know. For all we know, you could change the weather or kill a man with just a snap of your fingers. My son got jealous and when he couldn't have you, he erased your mind. That was, until Sebastian reawakened it with his nearness."
"I have just one question."I interrupted.
"Undertaker told me my parents abandoned me at an orphanage." It wasn't exactly phrased as a question but I was still curious.
"Those were just some servants of mine. Sebastian had left before you were finished so I had to think of a way to get you to him."
"And Felix?"
He grinned knowingly. "Merrily my pawn." The man put a hand on my thigh over my scar. "He disfigured you. Believe me, I was greatly displeased. But then I saw that it brought both you and Sebastian closer than I ever imagined possible."
We sat there in silence as I took in the truth. No questions formed in my mind. Just one desire.
"May I speak freely?"I inquired.
"Of course, my dear."
"Right now, can you help me leave?" I knew it was a somewhat selfish request.
"If it were any other night, I would've immediately said no. However, I know what you had to go through tonight. I also know the thoughts you had before you left that manor. And I can't allow that to happen, Eve."
"So you'll help?"
As a response, he waved his hand and a door appeared. "This will take you anywhere. Try America first. I heard there's a lot of new beginnings there." He paused, then added, "Be careful."
I felt grateful for the escape. "Thank you." I stood and moved for the door. As I reached for the door, I felt a hand on my wrist. I looked back to the one who had given me life, the reason I even existed, and the reason I had met Sebastian. He had a forlorn look on his face, as if he were saying good bye to his daughter. Then without saying a word, pressed a small but meaningful kiss to my forehead. I let my eyes close.
When I opened them, he had disappeared.
A sense of loss overtook me as I said a mental goodbye to the city, to the manor, to the other servants, and finally, Sebastian.
Then I turned the handle, walked through the door...and never looked back.
-Sebastian's POV-
It didn't take even a moment to realize it. It took barely a millisecond to feel my word crash around me.
My Eve...was gone.
~~Many years later.~~
My life...had no meaning. No reason. No hope. Only whores, regrets, and alcohol. Nothing made sense anymore. I had no place to belong. No master, no woman, not even a contract to call my own. Life on the streets was all there was for me. I shied away from mirrors as they only showed a drunken, worthless demon.
My hair was long and shaggy and had more tangles than a lifetime of human hair could ever muster. I now had a beard that went to my shoulders. I had long left England in attempt to rid myself of the memories of her. I now resided in the Colonies of America.
I had came for a fresh start but everything reminded me of her. The gray of the skies matched her eyes and the paleness of the moon resembled her skin. The dark, fresh soil was nearly as dark as her hair. I had given up on ever seeing her again.
More time went by and my state only got worse. Then one day, I got a reminder. It was him. It was my once dear friend. The head hauncho of all us devils. And he was walking right towards me. I stood still as he approached.
"You've given up."
Wouldn't he tell me something I didn't know?
"She's still alive despite what you believe, you know?"
This was news. Good news. Amazing news.
"You shouldn't have ever stopped looking for her because she's nearly been under your nose this entire time."
"What do you mean?"
"I sent her here and she's never left. A part of her still searches for you using that unbreakable bond. She does miss you. She yearns for you. Now get yourself together. We have a woman to find."
That was all the hope I needed to find her.
My Eve.
-Eve's POV-
Everyday I cried. I cried for Sebastian. I cried for Ciel. I hated myself for leaving but I couldn't bring myself to go back. I couldn't possibly handle the pain.
I glanced around the room I had begun to call home. It was nearly complete. It was just missing something...someone.
I grabbed what little money I had and headed out to buy enough groceries to last me. I had started working at the local saloon. The work conditions were horrible and the pay wasn't much better, but it fed me.
The dirt streets were crowded. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought it was market day. I glanced around frantically when something caught my eye. Familiar black, shiny hair and pale skin. No one around here had black hair. The majority were blond and none of them weren't dirty.
Then I felt it. I hadn't felt it for years. The only thing that told me if he was near.
I felt him.
I felt Sebastian.
I dropped whatever was in my hands and I ran. I followed the pull towards him. My head peeked over the heads of people and I roughly shoved them all out of the way. I even had a few shout profanities at me but I paid them no mind. I only had one person on my mind.
Then I saw him. He was looking around. He was searching too.
I ran at full speed to where he was standing and I tackled him to the ground. I couldn't breathe because I was so excited. Tears of joy sprang to my eyes as I looked down at his. His beautiful, welcoming eyes glowed as he took me in.
"Eve..." It was barely a whisper but it did more things to me than I ever thought possible.
"Sebastian!"I squealed. I leaned in and kissed him hungrily and desperately, ignoring all the onlookers.
I was home.
Yep. That's it. It's over. Pack up and go home people. Jus-Just leave already.
Shout out to these people:
You guys are the best damn Wattypals a girl could ever ask for.
I know I told some that I wouldn't write a sequel, but for some reason I've been entertaining the thought. So...inbox me ideas??
Hugs and kisses all around, you guys.

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