Chapter 12

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Theoretically 400 minutes is a long time, a lot can change in 400 minutes. 400 minutes is almost seven hours.

You can write an essay in 400 minutes

You can go to school in 400 minutes.

You can drive to a different state in 400 minutes.

You can fly to a different country in 400 minutes.

You can ruin a long lasting relationship in 400 minutes.

You can fall in love in 400 minutes.

You can die in 400 minutes.

Your whole world can change in just 400 minutes.


Jimin felt a lot of things, but as it came closer to Christmas, most of it was pain. Yoongi was busy studying for Christmas exams, so the time they spent with each other was minimal. Jimin didn't need to bother with the exams, as he would already be signed out of the school by then. He tried to be as supportive as possible, buying Yoongi lunches and coffees to keep him motivated, but something was different between them.

Around two weeks before Christmas Yoongi thought distancing himself from Jimin would make the leaving part easier, it did not. If anything, it made it worse. It gave him a very, very small glimpse into what it would be like to not have him around again, and it was, as expected, unbearable. He didn't keep it up for long, just until the night that Jimin was moving apartments, not until then.

Yoongi woke up with Jimin around him as usual, even if he was trying to keep a distance he couldn't sleep without Jimin's strong arms anymore. He didn't know what he would do when he was gone, his brain couldn't think of a solution. His body always felt cold and distant when Jimin wasn't there to hold it at night, it just felt wrong.

Jimin was packing his things in silence, Yoongi sitting on his bed, watching his actions with vacant eyes. His heart was throbbing in his chest, especially when Jimin gently pulled down the photo of them from High School off the wall. He crumpled the image of him and Mirai, throwing it across the floor carelessly. Neither of them made an effort to say anything, both of them wallowing in their own sorrow rather than sharing it.

Jimin was wearing Yoongi's clothes, as he did so often recently. He didn't like his grandad wear anymore, but owned nothing else. He never really got the chance to go shopping, so him and Yoongi just sort of shared everything he owned, and Yoongi never complained. Yoongi liked seeing Jimin in his jumpers and pants, something about it made him feel warm. It made him feel like Jimin was his, and that his clothes on his frame made that statement.

Taehyung wasn't happy to hear that Jimin was leaving, even if their relationship was on thin ice. In fact, he showed up at their apartment at 3am weeping, Jungkook behind him looking very confused and concerned. Taehyung threw himself into Jimin's arms, and they both talked about everything that had happened over the past week. Yoongi thought they both needed the conversation, as each end had clearing up to do. Turns out Taehyung had not told Jimin's mother, so he assumed it was Mirai. Jimin wasn't mad at her, purely as he didn't care about her anymore, she wasn't important anymore.

Namjoon and Yoongi were recovering. Namjoon tried to be as supportive as possible when he found out Jimin was moving, but he couldn't help himself when he felt relieved. All he wanted was Yoongi to be happy, and Jimin still didn't prove his worthiness or capability of doing that. Turns out Namjoon started dating Princess Peach, deciding that he liked both boys and girls, and he didn't mind that. Apparently Namjoon, Princess Peach, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung hung out a lot, this information left Yoongi confused on how he should feel about it. He couldn't decide on whether the fact himself and Jimin were excluded offended him or not, but then again, he couldn't blame them.

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