Chapter 3

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Yoongi woke the morning with a familiar pounding in his head and the sudden need to explode from every single orifice he had, but he still didn't regret last night's choices. He remembered most of the things that played out, even if some parts were a bit blurry. But most of all he remembered Taehyung's words, he didn't even know where they were spoken, but they were as clear as they were yesterday.

He didn't want you to know...He was hoping you'd never cross paths.

Of course he hoped that, Yoongi didn't expect anything less from the new Jimin, the new selfish, ugly, lying Jimin. For some reason knowing what a bad person he was now made everything hurt a lot less, it made Yoongi realise all of this was for the best. He didn't like Jimin anymore, in fact he despised the new Jimin. Yoongi still loved the smiley and warm 15 year old, but he wasn't here anymore. Jimin had killed him. If he accepted that loss a long time ago, he could do it for a lot longer.

This new feeling of numbness mixed with resentment brought a smile to Yoongi's face. He felt like the strings he had attached to Jimin that he dragged him along with were finally broken, and Yoongi was finally free. Even with an uneasy stomach and a light head, he jumped out of bed. Jimin couldn't hold him back anymore, and he was in college now, he had the whole world in front of him but he was just blind to it before. With Jimin out of the way he could see it all now, everything he was missing.

Yoongi pushed open the door to his kitchen for this first time, feeling a bounce in his step. He wondered if he was going crazy, he felt like he was feeling so much better so fast, it wasn't in his nature.

The kitchen was more bland than he had imagined, a black table and some drawers. There was a fridge and a cooker, but other than that there wasn't much more too it. Luckily Yoongi finally figured out where the bathroom was, he feared he would have to take a piss in Jimin's plastic house plant that he put beside the door. He didn't like it, it was a green and fake and Jimin never even asked for permission to add it to their dorm, but he wasn't about to start conflict over it.

Jimin was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping from a mug. He watched Yoongi over the brim, he looked like he was expected a negative reaction.

"Good morning Yoongi," Jimin spoke cautiously, he was already dressed in an ugly sweater. The sweaters were always going to be of Yoongi's distaste, no matter where he stood with Jimin. They were just gross, nothing would ever change that.

"Morning Jimin," Yoongi was looking through the drawers in search of something edible, but they were sadly very empty except for expensive coffee beans. Fucking Jimin and his overpriced beverages. He wanted to whine at him, but he kept his mouth sealed. He wanted to be civil, he really did, but Jimin just made peace so damn difficult.

Jimin perked an eyebrow at him, surprised by his happy morning aura. Yoongi wasn't a morning person at the best of times, so he expected him to be miles worse after a hangover, but he was even whistling happily under it breath. It was oddly unsettling, seeing him so calm and pleasant, especially once you considered their situation.

"I have my first class today so I shall be leaving now," Yoongi said out loud, like it wasn't actually directed towards anybody. Jimin didn't reply as he headed towards the door into their room.

"Yoongi," Yoongi stopped in his tracks just as he was about to leave, turning his body around slowly. Jimin was standing, a pleading look on his eyes. Yoongi didn't know what he was about to blubber about but he didn't want to hear anymore excuses. He was already over it, he didn't need him dragging him down again.

"You're still wearing the same clothes from yesterday," He blurted out, Yoongi knew those weren't his original intentions but he was still grateful. He didn't even notice himself, feeling the squeeze of skinny jeans instead of soft pyjamas made him assume he was dressed.

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