Chapter 6

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Jimin was in a slump, to be brief. He spent his days mostly mourning, curling himself in a ball of shame in his bed, his duvet covering him like a burrito. It annoyed Yoongi because he would never state what was wrong, just shrugging and saying that he was okay, when that clearly was not the case.

Yoongi had had enough, he didn't sign up to be roommates with a sad burrito, especially when he didn't clean after himself anymore. Leaving dirty plates on the counters, used glasses on the floor. It was infuriating, Yoongi had learnt to be neat with Jimin and he was just ruining their entire setup. He had worked hard to get to this point, he wasn't going let his quarter life crisis ruin that for him. So he was going to end it then, the best way he knew how.

Jimin was in his usual place, curled up in his bed with only his eyes peeping over the covers. Yoongi strode towards him, standing in front of the younger with his arms crossed.

"Get up," He ordered, tugging on the blanket that cocooned his small body, "Get some clothes on, we're leaving."

Jimin blinked up at him, his eyebrows furrowing. He seemed to be confused, and mildly surprised. Yoongi himself didn't expect to take action on his behaviour, but he could only take so much of it. He did have to spend a lot of time with him, so he preferred spending it with the somewhat happier Jimin. Or at least the one that cleaned up after himself, his dirty dishes were really getting out of hand.

"Leaving?" Jimin asked in his groggy what the fuck I just woke up voice, "Where? Why?"

Yoongi groaned loudly, whipping the duvet off Jimin's body. Yoongi assumed since they were roommates he would have the decency to wear at least underwear to bed, he assumed wrong. Yoongi screeched and Jimin yelped, reaching to cover his exposed, well, dick. Jimin turned over, revealing his perky butt before pulling the covers back over himself, turning around to give Yoongi a death glare. His cheeks were brightly flushed, he couldn't play Yoongi with the angry card.

"What the hell Yoongi," Jimin hissed, but the timid shyness in his attitude was very visible, he couldn't hide that he was embarrassed. He was clutching at the sheets covering him, his chest still on show. Yoongi refused to let his eyes wander, that would only give Jimin satisfaction, so he stared at his forehead. There was nothing sexual about foreheads, right? Not that it mattered now, now that he had the permanent image of Jimin's private regions engraved in his brain forever, well, the updated version.

"Hey!" Yoongi warned, pointing his finger at him accusingly, "That's your fault for sleeping with no clothes on! Who does that when they share a room with someone else?! It's all your fault, really."

Jimin shrugged, choosing not to retaliate. He sat up properly, flexing his back muscles in a sheepish manner that was rather enticing. He fluttered his long eyelashes open, looking out the window, his eyes filling with realisation. He snapped his head around quickly, looking at Yoongi for answers.

"What time is it?!" Jimin exclaimed, scrambling around for his phone for some confirmation. Before he could, Yoongi looked down at the watch that sat on his wrist.

"Twenty past four," He announced, letting his arm fall back to his side. Jimin thought he was ridiculous, and also crazy. But there he was, towering over him, fully dressed, waiting for departure at four in the morning. Maybe Yoongi was the good kind of crazy, the type to convince you to do things you wouldn't even think of. Jimin also felt touched that he was sacrificing sleep for him, he always knew how much Yoongi valued sleep, as if it was his favourite pastime.

"Can I just ask," Jimin sighed, his chest relaxing and his shoulders giving up on supporting his upper body, "Why now?"

Yoongi considered his words for a moment, stuffing his hands in his hoodie pocket before shrugging, "Why not?"

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