Chapter 4

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Jimin and Yoongi didn't talk anymore after that, but maybe it was for the better. Of course they had to discuss basic things that were unavoidable to roommates, but they didn't speak anymore than absolutely necessary. It seemed to work well for the both them, seeing as Yoongi wanted nothing to do with Jimin and Jimin just wanted to be left alone with the choices he had made.

But Yoongi was left awkwardly standing outside his door, swaying nervously side to side as he had to ask something of Jimin. The last time they had a completely non business conversation was when Yoongi had slapped him, so he doubted that Jimin would ever agree to his terms. He kind of owed him though, having his annoyingly perky girlfriend over too often and Yoongi never complained, even when they initiated their awkward virgin kissing.

Yoongi was being far too drastic, but he didn't want to face Jimin head on. So he crawled on to the fire escape, entering their apartment inconveniently through the kitchen window. He tripped over the sink, falling onto the flooring with a smack. Even if Jimin had heard him, he blatantly ignored it. What if he was a robber? Had this guy have no idea of safety? Yoongi grunted, pulling himself off the floor. He had a faint dull pain in the small of his back, rubbing it in discomfort.

He creaked open the door to their bedroom, pausing when he heard a panting noise. He pressed his back against the door, feeling the sudden urge to empty his stomach.

"Jimin," It was Mirai, her voice lower than usual, "Maybe Yoongi was you ever think, I don't know...that maybe we're too innocent? After all, we are in college."

Yoongi had to slap his hand over his mouth to stop himself from making hurling noises. He made fun of them, sure, but this was definitely not what he wanted the product of that to be. He cursed himself, not thinking his words would actually have any impact, he just liked amusing himself because he was clearly a comedic genius. He supposed being so comically talented had to backfire somehow.

"I-I don't k-know I Uhm, Yoongi-"

"Yoongi isn't home," She cut him off, then Yoongi could hear a rustle. He poked his head out slightly, to see she had pushed Jimin's polo shirt up his chest. Bitch you thought. Given any other situation Yoongi would probably take a moment to admire his God chiselled abs but now was not that time. Besides it looked like Jimin didn't eat enough, which made Yoongi sad. He was perfect, he shouldn't have to watch what he ate, either way he was beautiful. He was uncomfortable, sure, but something told him that Jimin was much more uncomfortable than he was.

"I don't think we should," Jimin's voice was shaking and Yoongi wanted to slam the door down. He pulled down his top again. She pouted. She crawled onto his lap and Yoongi wasn't going to let this continue, especially since it was about to get real awkward when Jimin's special friend lay as limp as ever. He also didn't like how scared he sounded, he clearly didn't want this.

He took that opportunity to kick open the door, Mirai jumping off Jimin with a yelp. Yoongi snickered. She sat politely, offering him an innocent smile and Yoongi just glared.

"Uncertainty means no bitchy," Yoongi was unexpectedly mad, kneeling down in front of the two. She blinked at him in confusion, so he groaned and repeated the phrase in Korean. She just let out a small gasp.

He took both of Jimin's shaking hands in his own, looking up into his quivering eyes, "Are you okay?"

Maybe he was over exaggerating , maybe he was babying the grown and fully capable man, but he couldn't care less. The way Jimin offered him a thankful smile and shy nod somehow made it all worth it. Mirai just looked disgusted and hurt, watching the pair as they both were oblivious to her presence. Times like this Yoongi felt like he knew Jimin, like they had a connection and maybe it all wasn't lies, but those times never, ever lasted long. Yoongi decided to end it first this time before Jimin made a snarky comment that hurt. That's always how their interactions played out, he had no expectations of that changing.

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