Chapter 1

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Theoretically 400 minutes is a long time, a lot can change in 400 minutes. 400 minutes is almost seven hours.

You can write an essay in 400 minutes

You can go to school in 400 minutes.

You can drive to a different state in 400 minutes.

You can fly to a different country in 400 minutes.

You can ruin a long lasting relationship in 400 minutes.

You can fall in love in 400 minutes.

You can die in 400 minutes.

Your whole world can change in just 400 minutes.


As far as being prepared for his first day at college goes, Min Yoongi was definitely already failing in that aspect. He somehow went with the logic of 'Maybe if I stare at this ceiling long enough my things will just pack themselves' as expected, his plan was a bust.

He didn't have much left to put into boxes, just everyday items that he couldn't pack 'til last minute, but the minor task still seemed like too muchright now, seeing as Yoongi was both mentally and physically exhausted.

The days leading up to his leave for college were mostly uneventful, between receiving wishes of good luck and emotional farewells, there wasn't much to it. But for some reason the whole process was daunting, leaving everything you've ever known to lead your own independent life was scary and overwhelming and Yoongi wasn't sure he was ready for such a large change. He could barely manage being left for days alone, never mind years.

But the idea of freedom was thrilling to the core, knowing that he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, was fucking amazing. He wouldn't have parents to nag him about making his bed or sleeping in on weekends, his life was in his own grasp and he loved it. Unless he roommate was as a dull as an old shrivelled prune, which he prayed and prayed would not be the result. But he didn't decide these things, so all he could do was remain hopeful.

A persistent knock on his door distracted him from his thoughts, making him shift into an upright position. He quickly made it look like he was occupied, folding a random hoodie on his bed.

"Yoongi?" A voice called from the outside, the familiar tone relieving Yoongi, throwing the hoodie back into its crumpled form. He smiled.

"Namjoon," He stood up, straightening his plain t-shirt by pulling down the hem, "Come in."

Namjoon waltz in with a wide smile on his face, his excitement very apparent. Namjoon had been anticipating college since their first year in high school, over exaggerating the amount of fun they were seemingly going to have, like classes didn't even exist. He was that kind of guy after all, somehow finding a positive outlook on most things, Yoongi appreciated him for that.

"Are you ready college boy?!" He shot finger guns at Yoongi, jumping into the room. Yoongi rolled his eyes, but he could feel himself bubbling up inside. This was the kind of change he needed, he felt like he had been in a rut for so long that college was finally the opportunity for him to start fresh. He felt genuinely happy for the first time in a long time, his heart was light.

"You're also a college boy," He pointed out, picking up some boxes off the floor, "Going to the same college, as a matter of fact."

It had only been 30 minutes since Yoongi woke up from his mother excitedly shaking him into consciousness, reminding how today was ' The first day of the rest of his life'. He just threw on a t-shirt and ripped jeans sheepishly, Namjoon was accompanying him to college so he didn't need to try impress anyone, he had the only friend he ever needed right with him.

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