Chapter 7- Action speaks louder with bombs

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Mama abandon me? Me thought as me ponder why hooman forget bring of me. Mama forget me many times before, so me no angry. Me always sniff big metal thing's trail, smell so nice. And me find Mama all over again and me happy about that. Me trot over to other side, little orange bastards (as mama and crazy mama called them ) were going into building. I feel happy, those were nice little orange bastards. I like those ones. Unlike other little orange bastards! I growl, thinking of mean orange bastards.

Me sniff around, me finding of metal thing's scent! Me run, and run very fast. Me like to run, so Me keep running and running and running! Feel wind in me sexy locks. Crazy mama always tell me always think of meself as sexy, so me think me is sexy. Even though me not know what that means.

Metal thing very far, more far than me is used to. But me will find mama and crazy mama and big scary chocolate man and funny yellow head boy. Hm, new smell? Me not recognise! So me stop, and me point. After few seconds of pointing me go find mama again.

Me, too sexy for me fur, too sexy for me fur, to sexy it huuurts. And me am model, you know what me mean? and me wag me little tail on the cat-walk. Me hate cats, grrrrr!

Me run forever! Me not know where me is. Me still smell metal thing, but me not know where it come from. Me then smell other smell, me recognise. Smell like, black candy thing. Yes, what it call? Licorice! Same as crazy mama snap snap weapon she saving for big scary chocolate man. Me follow it once me figure out where it come from, and see in distance metal thing and mama getting very aggressive with yellow head boy. Me tired, me run for long time. Only stop when need pee, or sniff something or chase squirrel. Also was hooman on way, pretty poodle she had. Poodle will have me pups in later months, mwehehehe.

Me bound to mama, and when mama saw me she scream.


"Dammit! There you are, guy!" May squealed then ran over to the wookie baby. He bounded up to her like she was his lost love. He whimpered, and wagged his tail violently.

"May, we have got to quit forgetting Dammit." I said, lighting my cigar as I watched May strap a bullet proof vest on the dog. Dammit went up to me and jumped on his hind legs to kiss me. I laughed then gave him a nice rub down. "You're a good boy!"

"I know, I feel terrible for leaving him behind all the time. It's just these damn missions, always got me so distracted. Keeping my mind off of what's really important." her tone softened as she rubbed Dammit's ears. She looked sort of defeated, like something was troubling her. It made me wonder, is she okay?

I hipped my shotgun then looked over at Wonka who was finishing loading his machinegun. He looked over at Gerald, and he nodded. "Alright ladies," Wonka said in a drill sargeant type voice. "Here is the plan. We get in through the back entrance, like all factories it should have a staircase leading up to the second and third floor. On the third should be a main power grid. Our mission is to find the grid, strap this bomb to it and blow it sky high."

May's eyes seemed filled with distraught as she stepped forward. "Blow it sky high? That will spread radiation all over the place, it will mutate everything around here. Haven't you heard of Chernobyl?"

Wonka scowled as if he didn't like being on upped. "So what do you have in mind, blondie?"

May eased back, as if she didn't know. "This is your mission, dude. We're just helping."

"Fine. We clear the damn place of any Oompa Loompa. Nothing more, nothing less."

We nodded then began walking down the dirt road. As we got closer, we could hear footsteps. Sounded like they were in an orderly fashion too, like an army. Wonka moved some bushes and we found ourselves looking down at a power plant. It was huge, and there were Loompas everywhere. I heard a noise come out of Gerald, like an audible sigh. I looked over at him, he looked mesmerized.

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