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Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to any (song) names/persons mentioned in this story. This is a fictitious representation of events. Uses are for entertainment purposes only.


October 15th, 2015 - 6:03pm - Iota Phi Theta - Hampton University - Hampton, VA

"Beerbongs and Plain Wrongs"

"A single-celled organism too small to be—"

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"A single-celled organism too small to be—"

"Microbe." Onika interjected.

Meek nodded slightly. "Very good."
He flipped to the next flash card in the thick stack. "One of the most drug resis—"


"Do you even need me to read these?" He frowned, shuffling the cards.

"Yes." She pleaded. "I messed up on like six of them and I have to know this. I can't be blinded sided like I was earlier."

"You have an 89.7% in the class already. You pretty much know everything."

"Meek.." Onika groaned, knowing where this was headed.

"You studied all weekend," He listed, kissing her neck. "I helped you study again last night, and we've been at this for almost two hours. You got this."

"What if I don't got this? This midterm is worth 15%. If I pull another C, poof. My scholarship is gone. I can't afford this place without one. My mamas's already doing everything she can."

Meek was persistent. "C's get degrees?" Onika slugged him. "Ow. Damn. I don't know how you could be getting anything less than an A anyway. You go through all the material with a fine toothed comb. I think you're just second guessing it too much. Psyching yourself out."

"You just wanna have sex."

"Now that I don't deny." He answered honestly. "But what I said holds some truth. You get every answer right with me but when you test you just tweak." Meek furrowed his brow in thought. "I think you can get an accommodation for that."

Onika wiped her face and took a deep breath. What Meek said made a lot of sense. Sometimes when going over a test she often erased and rewrote answers only to find that she was right the first time. There was so much riding on her senior year. If all went well she'd have a job handed to her the moment crossed the stage. Onika would finally be able to take care of her mother the way she'd wanted to her whole life.

"Tell you what," Meek began. "We go through these again, even the definitions, and if you get an answer right I take something off."

Onika smirked. "This ain't Love and Basketball."

"I don't see why it can't be."

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