And so he had trained himself during these last six years. But it wasn't easy and he couldn't be sure if it would be enough to save him. But a promise is a promise, and Jungkook promised to avenge his family. But before he could kill his brother he knew he'd have to win the hunger games.

He reached the town square early and waited. The sun came up higher in the sky as time passed and the reaping approached. The square was packed and everyone knew it was time when the mayor came up to the town podium to ask the sixteen year olds to form two groups; one for boys and one for girls. Jungkook quickly made his way to the boys' line and waited until it was his turn.

They recorded that he was there and took a sample of his blood. Then they put a small piece of paper with his name on it and put it into the jar the mayor would pick a name from. He knew it was a ruse but went along with it. After everyone had been recorded they had to stay in the line to make it easier once one of them was picked.

"Welcome to this year's Hunger games!" The mayor said sounding as hollow as possible. She had no choice but read the words of the capital for all to hear. "We will now be picking one girl and then one boy for the honor of being this year's tributes."

"And remember, may the odds be ever in your favor!"

The mayor stuck her hand in the girls' jar and pulled out a slip of paper. Opening it slowly her read the name in her head before speaking it out loud.

"LaLisa Manoban."

As always a few gasps were heard and whispering was heard among the girls but eventually a girl was pushed up onto stage. The girl had blonde hair and wore glasses. Jungkook noticed that unlike most girls she wasn't crying, but she was shaking rather noticeably. She was biting her lip as if afraid what could come out if she opened her mouth. The mayor asked for volunteers to take her place but as usual no one did.

Then the mayor moved onto the boys' jar. Grabbing a piece of paper and opening it she read his name. "Jeon Jungkook."

He almost laughed, but settled for a knowing smirk. There was some surprise among the crowd. Though he had no friends Jungkook was known for having a crowd of female admirers who weren't happy he was chosen. The guys' on the other hand didn't seem too bothered by this.

Making his way up the platform he could hear various things before shouted at him but he ignored them. "Would anyone like to volunteer?" The mayor asked because she had to. To ignore this custom would be suspicious enough to wonder if the drawing had been fixed. And while a few brave teenage girls tried to volunteer for him no guy would so it didn't matter. Jeon Jungkook would be competing.

"Shake hands." The mayor ordered them. As the last of the Jeons standing shook her hand he noticed the tinge of red on Lisa's cheeks as he gazed at him. He however looked solemn and dropped her hand as soon as the handshake was over. The mayor wasn't even looking at them but the crowd in front of her.

"District seven, I give you your two tributes!"

District 12

Kim Taehyung was starving. Literally.

He had not had anything to eat in days. He felt woozy standing there in the hot sun surrounded by people. It wasn't his fault. He'd love to be scarfing down bowls of food given the opportunity. But when you're an orphan in district twelve you tend to live your entire childhood with an empty stomach.

Taehyung's parents had been killed mere days after he was born. He was never told why. Either because the people who worked at the orphanage he grew up in didn't know or because they didn't care. Whichever it was the brown haired boy had lived his whole life never knowing the love of a parent. The caretakers at the orphanage were not loving and rarely showed any affection at all.

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