Chapter Nine.

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Matt- Well tell me everything.

Me- Can we go somewhere first? 

Matt - Where do you wanna go?

Me- We need to leave the state now. Possibly the country.

Matt- Fine. Where should we go?

Me- I don't know....

We went in the house.

Matt- I have somewhere. Pack your bags. Hot weather clothes.

I ran upstairs and packed bags for Matt and I. He was on his computer. I brought the bags down and he shut his computer and put it in the bags. He packed the bags into the car.

Me- Maybe you shouldn't go...

Matt- I'm not letting you go anywhere alone. Come on.

We got in the car. He drove us to the airport.

We sat in our plane seats.
Me- Where are we going?

Matt- Austrailia.

Me- Wow. Really?

Matt- Yes. We will be dropped off at a private place so you can explain all this and the driver will drive our bags to the hotel and drop them off.

Me- Okay.... Matt?

Matt- Yes babe.

Me- I'm sorry...

Matt- Shhhh... relax babe. It's gonna be a long ride.

I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.

When I woke up we were landing. We got off the plane and met the driver. He drove us to this beach. Not many people were there. We walked over by this big rock and sat down.

Matt- Now first of all , are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't ask before I was just worried about getting you out.

Me- I'm okay. Are you? He hit you pretty hard.

He raised his shirt to reveal a huge bruise.

Matt - I'll live. Now what was all the about?

Me- He was my boyfriend in high school. He was a good guy. Quarter back.  All A's. He had offers from colleges. Then he got involved with drugs. I didn't know about it. He started to become really abusive. I tried to put him in jail but everytime he got out. In his eyes, I'm his property.

Matt- Why did we have to leave the country?

Me- If he gets out, he's coming for me. I feel safer out of the country. I'm really sorry that you're involved in this...

Matt- I'm glad I'm involved. Nobody is gonna hurt you. We will make sure he goes to prison for a long, long time.

Me- How?

Matt - He broke into my house and assaulted me.

Me- He'll get out.

Matt - Then we will deal with him.

Me- I guess.

Matt- As long as I'm here,  you're safe babe.

He kissed me.

Matt- Now lets go to the hotel and you can doctor me up.

He winked and I giggled.

Me- We are in a different country because my ex broke into your house and that's what you are thinking about?

Matt- Sorry. I can't help it.

I laughed. We got in the car and went to the hotel. Some how paparazzi found us in damn Australia and they followed us.

Matt- Let's give them a show. I'm gonna show them how much I love my girl.

Me- Wait.... you what?

He realized what he said.


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