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Rosie walked into the smoky ground of the true forest. She finds an opening between the trees, allowing her to see one of the moons of endor. She couldn't see the death star.

"i'm here. Take me away.....I am ready to come to you Ani." she whispered. "Leave our children out of this Ani. Just take me." Rosie looks up to the stars in the sky. "please." she says a bit louder almost lie in a begging tone. "I know you are good Anakin. Don't hurt Arianna and Luke. Ani, we can still run away from all this. You say we don't have to, but we can and you know it." Rosie felt her lip quiver and tears starting to form in her eyes. Rosie tries to calm herself down. "Must I make myself visible to you?"

"Mom?!" she heard Luke call to her. "Mom you don't have to do this! Where are you?" Rosie doesn't answer him. Rosie feels her heart tighten a bit. She thought she heard Luke come after her so she walked deeper into the mist. She could feel Anakin getting stronger as she walked. Rosie looked over her shoulder to see if Luke is still following her. Half if her wanted him to keep looking for her, but the other half of her wanted him to give up looking for and leave. She looked up to see a base. There you are Ani. Rosie stood still and pulled out her light saber. This will get his attention. She ignited her light saber and she hears troopers go to her. She doesn't fight. She turns off her light saber and she lets the troopers take her in.

"NO!" Rosie heard a voice say. She turned to look back and saw Luke.

"Take him!" The troopers order and they go to take Luke. The troopers continue with taking Rosie in. She is brought into a building and her heart feels like it's getting shattered by a light saber. Rosie gets to a floor and is brought through a hallway. Rosie's lips tingle from the time Anakin stole a kiss from her. They pull Luke in front of her as she gets stuck in a room.

After awhile they bring her out again and she hears breathing. "Anakin...." She mutters to herself. Rosie gets closer to the dark figure and the clones leave her alone with him.

"Rosie." Vader said.

"Hello Ani." she said to him

"You don't look like yourself." Vader turns to face her.

"I can say the same thing about you." Rosie said to him.

"What happened to you? Who changed you?" Vader asked her.

"You did Ani. When you turned to the dark side." Rosie said going to him.

"You hid from me." Vader said

"Because you tried to kill me and you tried to kill our son." Rosie siad. "Don't you even love me anymore?" Rosie felt ears prickling her eyes.

"I do Rose. I've sent bounty hunt after bounty hunter after you to bring you back to me." Vader told her stroking her cheek. "Rosie, join me and together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be."

"The last tie you tried using that line on me, I had to fake my death." Rosie said.

"You can be my queen." Vader persisted.

"I don't want to be your queen. I just want my Anakin and my best friend back." Rosie's voice starts to weakened Anakin grabs her chin and made her look at him.

"Listen to me Rosie, we can still be together." Vader siad trying to make her side with him. As charming as he is, Rosie didn't want to be under Sidious's rule. She wanted him dead to make him pay for taking her Anakin away from her. She wanted Anakin back at her side again...happy, good, innocent and happy again.

"what happened to the blue eyes I loved?" Rosie asked him

"I was left there to burn." Vader growls.

"And I felt it. You and I have a special connection not just from our past." Rosie shot back. His grip loosens on her chin. "Don't you remember? Tatooine? Naboo? Corescaunt? Or has Sidious wiped your memory of it?"

"He doesn't have the power to do that." Vader said.

"Then please remember. The nervousness of when Anankin first kissed me? The sacrificing of our titles to be together? Don't you remember any of that?" Rosie asked him

Rosie hears troopers coming out to get her. She looked at them and back to Vader. "take her to my ship." he says to the troopers.

They start to take Rosie into an elevator and she lets them. Rosie gets to the elevator and looks back at Anakin. "Remember. Remember Vader, remember!" the elevator door shuts

Love Conquers All(Sequel to I Love Him(Anakin Skywalker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now