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Each pole is carried on the shoulders of several Ewoks. Behind the captives, Threepio is carried on a litter, like a king, by the remaining creatures.The procession moves along a shaky, narrow, wooden walkway, high in the giant trees. It stops at the end of the walkway, which drops off into nothingness. On the other side of the abyss is a village of mud huts and rickety walkways, attached to the giant trees. The lead Ewok takes hold of a long vine and swings across to the village square; the other Ewoks follow suit.

The procession winds its way into the village square. Mother Ewoks gather their babies up and scurry into their huts at the sight of the newcomers. The group stops before the largest hut. Rosie is lost and dazed. She gets scared and is unable to move.

"Well hell with it." Rosie sighed.

Han, Luke, Chewie, and Artoo are still bound to their poles. Han is placed on a spit above what looks like a barbecue pit and the others are leaned against a tree nearby. Threepio's litter/throne is gently placed near the pit. He watches with rapt fascination. Han, Luke, and Chewie are less than fascinated.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." Han said.

"You don't say flyboy." Rosie hissed.

Chewie growls his concern. Suddenly all activity stops as LOGRAY, the tribal Medicine Man, comes out of the big hut. He examines the captives carefully, goes to join Threepio, whose throne has been placed on an elevated platform. A larger, gray-haired Ewok, CHIEF CHIRPA, is examining Luke and Arianna's lightsaber with great curiosity. Logray speaks to Threepio and the assemblage of fuzzy Ewoks, pointing to the prisoners tied to the stakes. The Ewoks begin filling the pit under Han with firewood.

"What did he say?" asked Han.

"I'm rather embarrassed, General Solo, but it appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my honor." 3PO said. Arianna is dumbfounded.

"Why can't they just release us?" Arianna mumbled. The drums start beating, and all the furry heads turn to the large hut. Leia emerges, wearing an animal-skin dress. She sees what's happening at the same moment the prisoners see her. HAN and LUKE Leia! As she moves toward them, the Ewoks block her way with raised spears. Rosie gasps when she sees her second daughter.

"Leia?" she asks.

"Oh!" Leia said.

"Your Royal Highness."

Artoo and Chewie chime in with their welcome. Leia looks at the assembled Ewoks and sighs.

"But these are my friends. Threepio, tell them they must be set free." Leia orders.

Threepio talks to Chirpa and Logray, who listen and shake their heads negatively. The Medicine Man gestures toward the prisoners and barks some orders. Several Ewoks jump up and pile more wood on the barbecue with vigor. Leia trades frantic looks with Luke and Han .

Love Conquers All(Sequel to I Love Him(Anakin Skywalker Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now