Request 5

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How I ended up on the shores of Never Land? That's a very long story and too long to tell. Let's just say it involved a Dark One, a Captain Hook and hole lot of fairy dust. But the point is, here I am. I could finally restart the search for my brother- Felix- who I saw being dragged out of the window by a shadow. No one believed me when I told them a shadow took my brother. But if my theory was right and he was on this island, I'd be right all along.

I inhaled the fresh air- which smelled like the perfect combination of forest and the salty sea- and took a step towards the dark forest in front of me. My first thought was to do some exploring, maybe set up a camp. So I started heading for the forest.

My plan worked out. I had set up a small bonfire and was roasting a rabbit. The amazing scent of cooked meat filled up the place. This scent compared with the forest smells were amazing. Maybe I was enjoying it here.
"Now who do we have here?" A voice with a quite sexy British accent snapped me out of my trans. I leaped up, took out my sword and immediately pointed it at the person sneaking up to me. It was a boy with wavy brown hair, all dressed in green and brown. His forest green eyes burned holes in my bright blue ones. "What is your name, love?"
"Alyssa, darling." I replied, "who are you?"
"I'm Peter," the boy replied, taking more steps foreword until the point of my sword touched his skin, "Peter Pan."
"Pan..." I whispered to myself and kept my sword in the same place, "you took my brother."
"I took so many boys." He responded and disappeared, "what's his name?" He whispered in my ear when he appeared behind me. It send shivers down my spine, but I wouldn't show it.
"Felix." I replied and took a step away from him.
"Alyssa?" Another voice joined in. I recognized this voice so well. It was Felix. And at the sound of the voice I lost all control of my legs, which started running towards him. My arms were around his neck, hugging him tightly as soon as I reached him. "Alyssa..." he whispered again in shock and finally hugged me back, "I missed you girly."
"I missed you too." I said trying to keep in my sobs.
"What a happy reunion." Pan spoke up, "wouldn't want to ruin it, now would I? Felix, show her the camp." With that Peter disappeared and it was just me and his second- which was my brother.

Felix said it was an absolute wonder that Peter didn't mind me staying here on the island. In fact- my brother said- girls weren't even allowed. And if that wasn't enough- when Felix and I asked Pan- he happily agreed and not just a scowl that meant yes. I assumed Pan had taken a liking in me. Good- I needed to be on the good side of the handsome British leader.

The first week went by quickly. Not much happened in this week- I just learned how stuff worked here. The second week went differently. The thing was that basically all boys seemed to just nod and sometimes chuckled when Pan said something sassy. The first week I followed that suite. But half way up the second week more and more remarks were fired my way and I wasn't taking that. I talked back. On his level of sass. Sometimes Pan got irritated by that and sometimes he just chuckled lowly or waved it away.
Camp fire talks were my absolute favorite. Every night we would all sit together and chat... but of course I couldn't help but notice Peter's looks. I can tell you that he is really into the 'eye-fucking' thing. Not that I mind... I mean just look at him. But anyways, on the note of his sexy staring I started to flirt. This is where a few days of innocent flirting started. It was basically that he'd say something, and I made a sassy comeback, and he'd say something back and I'd make it a flirt. Innocent. But those days are in the past. Now it's starting to be more and more; I'd 'accidently' brush my hand over his thigh when he sat next to me or I'd 'thoughtfully' be playing with his hair or coming way to close to him etc. And with that I kinda stuck. The best part was when he got flustered.

Now I've already been a month on Never Land. Right on the moment, I was picking berries with my brother for the meal. We didn't say much to each other, just the casual stuff. That was until Pan landed right between us. "Felix, they need you in the hunting party." Peter had ordered and quickly Felix had left. It was now just me and Pan.
"Those aren't good enough." The infamous boy suddenly said. He pointed at the pile of berries I had gathered.
"Why the hell not?" I asked a bit angry, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Look," he crouched down next to the pike and grabbed one of the berries, "you're blind if you can't see the green specks. They weren't good yet."
"Ugh." I sighed annoyed and unfolded my arms. "Well, I ain't gonna do all that work again."
"Yes, you are." Pan replied with some dark tone in his voice.
"Make me." I said dangerously and stepped closer.
"Bloody hell, Alyssa." He said and tried to turn away, he just didn't have the will power to do it.
"What?" I purred, coming even closer with a smirk on my lips, "can't take a bit of flirting, boss?"
"And now you've done it." He grabbed my wrist roughly with that dark tone worse then ever. He started pulling me back to the camp, leaving the pile of berries behind us.
"Where are we going?" I asked him playfully as the Lost Boys looked up when we strode across them. My hand had slipped in his.
"Have I ever shown you my tent?"

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