Came to Kill~Pan

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StoryBrooke was counting on you. You were the only person in all the realms who could ever kill the infamous Peter Pan, or Pan. You were alone walking to the docks of StoryBrooke, from there your trip to Never Land begins. The only thing to do was throwing a Magic Bean in the sea, jump through it, and kill one smug teenager. Easy right?

Everyone stood there; Emma, you're adoptive mother, who had actually never time for you, she was very busy with her Savior stuff. Hook, you're adoptive father, who was always helping Emma, you never actually talked to him. Henry, you're adoptive brother, he was nice and that's it. Regina or the Evil Queen, you didn't really know her well, but she was there. Snow and Charming, they were kinda you're grandpa and grandma, but you never saw them because, just like Hook, too busy with Emma and her Savior being. And these other people stood there, Belle, Rumple, Granny, Ruby and Robin Hood, you got nothing to do with them, but they always come along with the others. A lot of people, who actually didn't have any time for you, except Henry when he wasn't reading.

"Jump through the portal," Emma told you again, "if you're lucky you land on the shores, if you don't... well let's not think of that."

"If you're there," Hook goes on, "you go straight into the woods. He will random pop up there, he always does when someone new is on the island."

"Don't forget," Emma started talking again, "he can feel that you're on Never Land."

"When Pan pops up-" Hook started again but you cut him off.

"I kill him, without doubting or talking." You said looking at the open sea, "it will be fine. I'm back in a few days."

"Don't talk to anyone," Emma says kissing you're forehead, "even the littlest boy is dangerous."

Hook lays an bean in you're hand. You walk to the end of the docks with the bean in your left hand. You turned around one last time and waved your hand. Then you turn around again and threw the bean in the water, a huge vortex appears in the water right in front of you. The only thing to do was jump and you did.

You woke up on a beach. In front of you were the woods or jungle, behind you the sea, on the left sandy beach and on the right went the sandy beach over in a rocky beach. "Never Land." You whispered and sat up. You thought about your job: killing Pan and, as Hook said, you walked into the woods.

You look around and kept walking straight into the woods, until the sunset. It was getting dark very fast and it was a need to sat up a camp. There was some wood and a dry place under the trees to sleep. You made a camp fire and lay down on the ground, the very cold ground.

Falling asleep was easy, but staying a sleep... you heard a strange noise, strange but beautiful, like a sweet melody. You tossed and turned trying to fall asleep, but the noise only went louder with every toss and more annoying with every turn. You were sick of it, so you stood up and followed the noise. With every step the noise became more clear. You noticed that the noise probably came from a pan-flute. Emma and Hook never warned you about a annoying noise and you were too curious, and it was a need to find out.

After a while you noticed a red/orange light in the woods, probably a campfire. You walked further, until you saw what was going on. One boy with a red/brown cloak and a pan-flute, danced on his own around the fire. He hide his face under his hood, you thought it couldn't be Pan, he is always with Lost Boys.

"H- hello?" You asked, he turned around looking at you, now you could see his face, and liked what you saw.

"Yes?" He said with a soft voice and walked over to you, his sparkling green eyes met your e/c ones.

"Can you help me? I'm searching for Peter Pan?" You said and touched the handle of your sword.

"Funny that you ask," all softness in his voice was gone, and now he talked with a British accent, "I am Peter Pan." He walked backwards and threw of his cloak, revealing his green outfit and blond/brown hair, "and you must be Y/N. it isn't very nice from you to just kill me without you even know me." He came closer again and you grabbed your sword, "and why would you kill me, love? Because others comment you to? Like a puppet on a string."

"I'm not a puppet." You said trying to slice through Pan with your sword, but he was faster and used his magic to take away your sword.

"I think you are," Pan said smirking, "but I can help you with that. You can be a Lost Boy, or Girl in you're chase."

"Never!" You said spitting in his face, "I'm not one of your, how did you call it? Puppets on you string."

"No darling you're not a puppet." He said coming closer, "but you aren't loved either. Did you ever noticed no one cares about you? They never have time for you." He plays with one of your H/C strand of hair and put it behind you're ear, "I can change that." He whispered in your ear. "C'MON BOYS!" He screams and many boys, Lost Boys, came out of the woods.

"Do you promise that I have a real family if I stay with you?" You said soft and slowly, while you grabbed his hand, "because you were right I don't have a real family. They never have time for me." You look down at the ground.

"I promise in Never Lands name." He said laying a hand on his heart, when you looked up,
"I guess... WE HAVE A NEW LOST BOY!"

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