Octavia~ Pan

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Nothing grows on Never Land repeated in my head while gave one last push. It felt like a release and it was quiet for one second. But soon the silence was broken by the sound of a crying baby.
"It's a girl!" The nurse said and handed me my new born daughter.
"H-hello." I said and held the baby close to me, like a switch it immediately stopped crying.
"What is her name going to be?" The nurse asked while she handed me a few towels.
"Octavia," I said and looked into the bright green eyes of my daughter, "Octavia Pan."

(Two years later)
"Wake up mommy." I heard the voice of my beautiful Octavia, "I am hungry."
"Are you now?" I asked while yawning at the same time. She crawled next to me in bed.
"No I just wanted to cuddle."

Octavia was the most beautiful 2 4 year old. 2 4 I hear you asking? Yes 2 4. 'O' was born 2 years ago so she is officially 2 years old, but she as tall as 4 year old and has the mind of a 4 year old. I think this is because I got pregnant on Never Land; she grows two times faster then normal instead of not growing like on Never Land.She has long, brown-blond hair, like Peter's. She has his eyes too and his last name. She is also obsessed with Disney's Peter Pan, which is ironic. I never told her that that is her father.

2 years ago I got pregnant on Never Land.
"Nothing grows on Never Land." Peter said to calm me down after we forgot the protection.
"But Peter-"
"I know, I know." He said while running his fingers through my hair, "Y/N I know you were 15 when you left home. When my shadow saved you from your abusive father. And I promise you are not gonna be pregnant."
"What if am?"
"We'll figure something out."
Little did I know the figuring something out meant for me to leave Never Land and get my baby while I am 15.

15+2= 17. I am 17 years old and tomorrow I will turn 18. I just wish Peter got to see her once. I wish I could see him one last time. But he left me. He will never come back and it just made me angry and disappointed.

"Mommy?" O's voice woke me from my thoughts, "can we watch Peter Pam later."
"No." I simply said, "not today." I couldn't handle seeing the second star to the right, straight until morning light now.
"Why not?" Octavia asked like I just told her she couldn't see her best friend anymore.
"Because..." I thought about what I was going to say but nothing came up, "you won't understand." The little girl got out of my bed, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked very angry.
"THAT'S NOT FAIR!" She screamed.
"Octavia Wendy Pan stop screaming or I give you something to scream about!" Did I really just say that? Did I threaten Octavia the way Peter threatened people? Did I just say the same words as my father said, before he hit me with a belt again?
"Mommy?" She said and started crying.
"Oh no O." I crawled out of my bed. Octavia sunk to the ground and cried. I dropped myself from the bed and crawled all shaky towards my daughter. "I'm so sorry." I held her tight.
"And I am sorry for being born." She said and got out of my grip. She walked towards the window and stared at the dark night sky.
"Octavia," I said and grabbed her wrist, "you are one of the best things that ever happened to me."
"No I'm not." Octavia said and kept her eyes at one big star, "I'll better go."
"What?" I said confused and pulled her close.
"I believe in you Peter Pan." She shout. I looked at the clock on the wall. 11.40 P.M (23.40) in 20 minutes I'll turn 18.

There was a shadow in the distance it was... flying. I grabbed my daughter tight and said: "listen O. You need to know the truth. You are going to Never Land and I am going with you. Peter Pan is-" I couldn't finish my sentence because a all too familiar voice interrupted, "is what?"
"You are Peter Pan!" Octavia shout happily and ran around the room, "I'll get you a drink." I chuckled at the thing Octavia always says to guests.

"Y/N?" Peter whispered and grabbed my hand, "is that my?-"
"Yes," I said and looked at Octavia, "that is your daughter."
"W-what is her name?" Peter asked softly, almost whispering.
"I called her Octavia Wendy Pan."
"You gave her my last name?"
"Of course I did. I loved you Peter, it broke my heart when you dropped me off in this world."
"I am so damn sorry." He said while running a hand through his thick brown hair, "I loved you too. But I wasn't meant to be a father. I was out of my mind and left you alone with my child. It was a mistake. And I still love you."
"You do?" I asked surprised.
"Of course I do." He whispered before smashing his lips on mine.

We fast pulled apart when we heard a glass drop to the ground. Octavia stood there with an open mouth.
"Octavia." I said and grabbed her hand, "this is your father."
"What?" Octavia said, I lifted her up so she was on our eye level, "Peter Pan is your father O."
"And I am going to bring you to Never Land." Peter said and took Octavia from me, "you and your mother."

I looked at the clock 11.55 P.M (23.55). "We have to hurry. In 5 minutes I will be 18." Octavia knew exactly how to get to Never Land. Peter carried his daughter in his arms while flying and I flew on myself.

At exactly 11.59,59 P.M (23.59,59) we landed in the middle of the camp. Safely home.

It's been a while, I know I know. And I am sorry that it took me that long to update. Anyways I really like this imagine. If I ever get a daughter I want to call her Octavia too.
I think I'm gonna do a part 2. I hope you like it, and if you did don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts, I really appreciate that.
Luv ya

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