New Crew Member~Baelfire

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The only thing you ever wanted was an adventure. Seeing more from the world then just the walls of your room in your small house in the Enchanted Forest. You had an abusive father, your mother didn't care, only when it went too far. Your father wanted you gone as much as you wanted to go, so even if you were death he didn't care.

You were waiting for over a hour now. Waiting to sign up for the crew of a pirate ship. You knew the captain of, it was Hook, a dangerous and ruthless. You didn't know Hook in person but you heard of him. It was time, time to change live in an adventure.

"Captain," you said maiming him look up from the world map, "I'm-" you didn't have the chance to finish.

"Next!" He shout and two crew meme ears start pushing you away.

"But captain you don't even know my name." You tried to say, but the crew members start dragging you away.

"I don't have to. Girls aren't allowed on the ship or on the place we go to." Was the last thing he said before you stood outside the pub you could sign up.

You started to make you're way home. You knew your father wouldn't be happy at all. He said you that you went on that trip and became a pirate, you had your adventure, when you turned 18 you needed to come home again with the money you earned, your parents would take it and you should be forced into a marriage.

The door of your house opened cracking. "H-hello?" You said walking further into the house. Your father sad at the table watching a letter with 'you're fired' on it and your mother was in the kitchen.

"What are you doing here!" Your father shout angry, "you should be on that ship right now, Y/N!"

"They didn't want me." You said your voice cracking with every single word. Your father stood up and raised his hand walking over to you. When he was in front of you he slammed you with his flat hand on your cheek.

"Why not!?" He said screaming in your face.

"Because I'm a girl." You said soft and he slammed you again. Your cheek was red with a hand print on it.

"Why do you need to be one!" He screamed and took out a pocked knife. Your father hurt you often but never with a knife.

"F/N!" Your mother screamed on the top of her longs and ran over to him grabbing the pocked knife out of his hands, "RUN Y/N RUN!!" You ran away out of the house and heard your mother scream in pain. Where do I go now? An idea popped up in your head. back to the pub.

You ran into the pub and saw the captain ready to go. Shit! No girls! An other good idea popped up in your head. You run over to the coatrack, you were lucky they had one. A scarf hang on it, you grabbed it and wrapped it around your chest. You put your H/C hair in an bun and grabbed a hat. You looked over to the mirror and saw your self, woah they have everything in this pub, you looked exactly like a boy.

You ran over to hook and said with the lowest voice possible, "I want to sign up, captain." captain Hook nodded and gestured you to come with him.

One hole week on the ship went over and it was wonderful. The crew was rude, but that's just that. You met this young boy, Baelfire or Bae short. He was nice, handsome and your age. The only thing that made him even better was that he knew your secret girl being and kept it a secret. He saw you wrap the scarf around your chest once. He knew about your parents and that's why you couldn't go back.

"Bae are you here?" You said walking into the sleeping room of the crew, everyone thought you slept there too but you actually slept on the ground in the cargo space. Bae gave you a pillow and sheets so it was okay.

"I'm here, Y/N." Bae answered from one of the corners.

"Hi," you said walking over, "the captain wants us to keep do the sailing a ship thing at night."

"The both of us?" He asked and you nodded slowly, "under the stars? Alone?" He went on.

"Yeah is that a problem?" You asked slowly.

"N-no." He said and walked away.

You loved sailing the ship at night, and Bae only made it better. You two stood besides each other watching the thousands of stars.

"Y/N?" Bae asked, "I want to tell you something." He looked you deep in your E/C eyes.

"Sure go on." You said smiling and hoped that he would say the 3 important words.

"Okay here it comes," he said scratching the back of his neck, "I-I love y-you, Y/N" you pulled him closer and kissed him and he kissed back. It was a wonder full kiss, as if firework exploded in your hole body.

"WHAT THE HELL!" You heard behind you, it was Hooks voice.

"Hook?" Bae and you gasped.

"What the bloody hell is going on?" He said walking closer what made me hide behind Bae a little.

"N-nothing." Bae said holding my hand.

"Y-you're gay?" He said confused.

"N-no!" Bae and you said at the same time, "should I tell him?" Bae asked you but you shook your head. You took off you hat what made you're hair fall down, and you took the scarf.

"He is a she?" Hook gasped, "wait I know you. You are that stubborn girl what wanted to sail!" Hook comes closer again. "GO THE BLOODY HELL OFF MY SHIP NOW!" He shout, you nodded slowly with tears in your eyes.

"No wait!" Bae said grabbing your hand and pulling you close into his chest, "Captain didn't you see how awesome work she did here?" Bae looked at you fast and back at Hook, "She did the things a normal grown up man does. Why would she go? Just because she is a she? Y/N can fight, work and more. If she goes you would miss one of the most important persons on the ship." Hook was deep in his own thoughts, but eventually he looked at you and then at Bae and at least to the ground.

"She can stay."

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