Short imagine~ Hook

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"Hook, Hook, where is the Hook?" You said as you entered his cabin. He looked confused at you. "Oh, there is Hook." You said in the same way as you said the first thing.
"What?" He asked confused. Since you came from the 'Land Without Magic' you liked to say movie-lines. It became funnier when you found out that the Pirate crew (which sorta adopted you) had no idea where you were talking about.
"Here I am now, entertain me." You sang.
"I don't-" he stuttered.
"Never mind." You walked out, "don't bother the ticking noise!"

There was a movie marathon coming very soon.

Comment if you understand the lines from the several Peter Pan movies. If you don't understand them I suggest you to watch: Hook (it's on Netflix) Pan (see picture) and the Disney Peter Pan movie.
Luv ya anyways

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