When you wear their suit/act like them

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He got extremely bored one day so he made you a little Iron Man suit for you. He watched you with a grin as you were flying around, having fun. Pepper was less happy, scolding him for giving you such a dangerous suit. When Tony said you haven't broken anything, as if on cue, you broke the glass window. It was silence but then Tony shrugged and said he's rich so he can easily get it replaced.


You got bored so did his suit on but it was obviously too big. As you walk to him to show him, tripped so fell causing you to cry because you hurt your leg falling. Steve was quick to rush in the room, but instead of helping, he just stared before chuckling and picking you up, asking why you're wearing his suit. When you said you want to be like him, he felt his heart explode from cuteness before he cuddled you, saying you're so adorable.


She came home but immediately noticed a gun was missing from her collection. She almost freaked out when you jumped out, held her gun aimed at her and said "bang!". She was quick to snatch the gun, yelling to not hold such a dangerous thing as if it is a toy. She calmed down when she saw the safety was still on. After that day, she hid her guns somewhere more secure.


You wore his cape and helmet, which was heavy but you were having too much fun to even notice the weight. Excitedly ran to Thor, yelling you are prince/princess of Asgard and will rule over everyone. Thor just laughed and picked you up, saying you are too adorable. Loki just mumbled he will rule over everyone, so Thor glared while you pointed and said "bad Loki", so Thor chuckled before also pointing and saying, "bad Loki".


You felt bad for your dad because he went Hulk in New York, so to cheer him up, you painted yourself green before running to him, saying you are also like the Hulk. Bruce just smiled before picking you up and carrying you to the bathroom to go wash off the paint, telling you painting yourself is bad for your skin.


You were playing with your siblings when noticing your dad's bow and arrows, so took them before trying to pull back the string, but damn was it tough. Clint just chuckled when he noticed you before walking over and helping you pull it back, explaining to you how to hold a bow and shoot an arrow.

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