14 Chapter 14

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When we woke up it was due to a flash of some sorts. I opened my eyes slowly and yawned, noticing how Gabe was still asleep in my lap, I smile gently and thread my fingers through his hair. Smiling when he mumbles and shifts closer to me placing a hand on my chest, I look up and see Cas just smiling like he just saw a really cute puppy, okay fair enough Gabe is a cute puppy. I smile and just go back to moving my hand through his hair. "I haven't seen him sleep this good since he met you." Cas says while lightly trailing off, it's sad but it makes me smile it kinda feels like we are helping each other. "He always was an adorable puppy when he sleeps.." "I'm not adorable! I'm named after a very powerful archangel and you dare to call me! Adorable?!" Cas and I both chuckle at that and I just nod. "Yeah Gabe you might be named after him but I know for a fact that you snuggling closer to my body heat is adorable." I smile when he places his head back on my chest and let's out a puff of air. "Not adorable!" He mutters.

While Gabe snuggles back to me Dean enters the room with some plates of breakfast, and with the smell of bacon Gabe is up in mere seconds. "I smell the thing that will help me survive the teasing Sammy and Cassie have been doing!" He exclaims happily and we all just chuckle. "Gabe don't act like you mind us telling you that you're cute." He glares at me and I kinda sit a bit straighter, when he notices he quickly snuggles back up to me and shakes his head. "I don't Sammy.." He whispers into my neck and I instantly relax again.

"Okay weirdo's Cas and I have some errands to run so you guys can either stay here or go out, Sam you got the extra key right?" I just simply nod still a bit distracted by my thoughts. When Gabe notices he places a hand on the middle of my back and gently rubs it, applying pressure to the points that seem to have knotted. I let out a content sigh and nuzzle my head into his shoulder. "Gabe, I'm fine let's eat." I tell him but he doesn't let go off me for a few more minutes. Destiel has already left by the time we start our breakfast.


A couple of minutes later we finished our breakfast and after cleaning Gabe corners me in the kitchen and looks at me pleadingly. "I'm sorry Samantha I didn't mean to freak you out like that, I know that you got scared and I'm really sorry." He says and I can see his eyes watering up, I quickly move towards him and place my hands on his butt knowing that this will make him think more cheeky. "Yes I'll admit that you scared me but that isn't your fault, I need to learn that you can joke like that. The same happened with Jo." Slightly cupping his butt in my hands and applying pressure got the reaction I hoped for. "Sammich I was trying to apologize to something, I was not trying to get into your pants." I laugh a little and smile at him when he puffed some air. "I know babe but I was trying to make sure that you know that I was over the moment at breakfast, and plus I kinda wanted dessert." I said while ending it with a cheeky wink.

Turns out when you say dessert to Gabe he grabs the ice cream instead of what I wanted, to be fair ice cream is good as well. (Even when it is snowing out side fight me!) So we are just sitting on the couch eating ice cream and yelling at stupid fails. We continue this until I get a text from Dean.

{Deanmon: I know you have been searching for something personal to give Gabe and I just saw this [picture attachment] shall I buy it for you for him?}

I smile when I read it (I don't have a pic to keep it a secret) and quickly type a reply.

{Sammich: Yeah dude that one is amazing please I'll pay it back!}

"Sammich who are you texting?" I quickly delete the pic and show him Dean's response. "Ugh really well almost thought you were cheating on me." I give him a mock look of hurt and just throw my phone on the couch. "Why would I go to someone else when you got that kind off ass." I chuckle once Gabe goes completely red. "Didn't know you were a ass person Sammy." I smile and pull him closer to me. This holiday is gonna be awesome.

Another cliché fic (sabriel) AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें