6 Chapter 6

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I was getting ready for the party when my mind drifted back to the question Gabe asked me a few hours ago.

"Can I ask you something personal?" My mind went a 100 KM/H and my heartbeat decided to join in. "Yeah sure Gabe anything.." He took an deep breath and got ready to ask the question...

"SAMM!! You almost done in the bathroom ya big moose?!" I got thrown out of my thoughts by my room mate Kevin and sighed. "Yeah be out in a sec!" I quickly got dressed in an black v neck shirt, topped with an black and red plaid button up, which I had un buttoned and the sleeve's up to show my tattoo. Plain black jeans and black sneakers to go with that. I quickly put my hair in a pony tail laughing at the thought of Dean scolding me for my long hair. Walking out of the bathroom and picked up my phone.

{Sammoose: Almost done just walking there, see ya in a bit!}

I quickly send the text to Gabe waiting for Jo to show up at the bottom of the stairs. "Heyy Sam!" Came the regonizible voice of Jo, I smiled when I looked at her. She was wearing a nice loose shirt from AC/DC with red leather pants, which she seemed to love (Made her butt look big) black sneakers and a beanie. "You look good if Charlie isn't gonna notice you I will kick her for you personally!" I laughed at her smile as she twirled around. "You don't look bad yourself Sam, trying to impress someone are you?" She had a smug smile on her features which told me to be wary of the night. "Maybeee.." I told her grabbing her hand and leading her to the spot where we would be meeting everyone.

A little walk of 2 minutes later and we were at the entrance of the school gardens. Gabe, Kali and Charlie were standing there. It took me a second look to realize that Charlie was the Charlie we went to school with. "Charlie Bradburry?! Gabe you could've told me it was that Charlie!.." I kinda wisper shout at him while walking to wards the people hugging Gabe and smiling as Charlie also took me into a tight embrace. "Kinda didn't want to spoil the suprise of her being here, she told me not to!" Charlie laughed and I introduces her to Jo. After 5 minutes of talking I heard a supressed huff coming from behind Gabe and looked over.


I looked behind me noticing that I totally forgot to introduce Kali. "Oh yeah sorry forgot to introduce my lovely GF Ka.." I got interrupted by her stepping in front of me. "Kali, like the goddess." She said while shoving her hand to Sam and Jo. "Oh yeah I heard alot of good things about you Kali!" Sam said in a really enthiousiastic voice. He nudged Jo when she looked between me and Sam. "Ohh you're the girl who'se got everyones attention!" She smiled but if you did not even do your best you could see she was faking it.

"Okay let's go to the party and get some drinks in us!" I said trying to get everyone to stop talking to Kali. When we were walking towards the bar  Sam quickly nudged my arm and pulled me away to somewhere silent. "I wanted to come back to what you asked me today." My heart stopped for a split second I looked up at him with a grin. "What about it moose?" He looked at the ground for a split second and the next, I don't know what happend, alot of confetti, rainbow coloured, poured down on me.
"Really that is your answer! I spent years trying to find our who the other trickster was and now you tell me that my best friend was him all along!" Sam started laughing his ass off to the point where people were looking at them. I heard 2 voices yell "We ship it!!" Knowing one of the voices I knew Charlie and Jo where behind that one.

"Yup, I thought I would tell you the day you went away but never got the chance. Also I kept up the myth of the trickster even tho everyone knew it was you." He started laughing again and this time I joined in. "Well thanks for that moose." I said while shaking my head and body to get the confetti off. After 2 minutes of trying to get everything off of me we walked towards the bar and setteled at the small tables that they put up for the people there. "So you tell me that you out tricked me on numerous occations?!" I looked at him in pure shock when we had gotten our beers and talked amongst our self. The only answer I got was a slight nod, he was kinda busy with looking at Jo and Charlie who had been laughing and dancing. Than in one sudden moment his face went through a sea filled with emotion, first it was suprise, than confused and ending with reconiznion and anger alot of anger. I followed his gaze and than I saw it.

I angryly got up and walked up to the person who was making out with Kali, waitt scratch that Kali was making out with this dude obviously the dominant force of the make out session. "Really Kals really!" I shouted and her face shot up with fear written all over her, no wait again it was more of a triumph smile. "I'm done, first you act like me being bi is a bad thing, than you go ahead and critisize my art but worst of all you cheat on me with some person that I know!" The guy went and tried to say something but I stopped him with one glance.

At this moment I looked her straight in the face and snarled one last sentence. "I want your stuff gone, out of my dorm and loose my number! We are done!" Okay maybe make that 2 sentences. I snapped my head back and ran out of the garden, I could faintly hear Sam shout my name but as tears started to well up I didn't acknolodge him.

After a good 5 minutes of running I looked around me, I had ran back to my dorm. I picked up my phone and found the number I hadn't used in a long while.
{Tricksterr: Cassie I'm so sorry for never texting and this is props the worst timing ever, but I kinda need my little bro..}
I sighed and walked to the shower jumping in and turning it way too hot. When I was done I put on my pj's got some candy and went to lay in my bed.
Noticing a text from Cassie I picked up my phone and read it.
{CasBee: Hello Gabriel, that is oké. Dean and I have been waiting for you to, how Dean says it, pull your head out of your arse.}

{Tricksterr: Wow Cassie calm down with the foul language! But all jokes aside can we meeg this saturday at the bakery at the campus?}

{CasBee: Of course brother, we will meet you there at 10 AM. See you then.}

I smiled at how formal my baby bro can be and let a tear slide. Thinking about evrything i'm happy that he still loves me. But my mind quickly went back to Kali, I know that I showed less affection but with school and everything going on I got a bit tired of her. Pushing the thoughts away I nuzzled deeper into my pillow. I quickly fell asleep with only nightmares plaguing my mind.

{Sammoose: Gabe text me if you get this I'm worried about you. And also got some bad news..}

Hey guys hope you liked it!!
If you hadn't noticed I update every friday.

Peace out my fellow Unicorns!

And never fear Satan's here!

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