12 Chapter 12

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As I walk towards the kithcen area Jo follows me, I grab the drinks and turn around to see Jo smiling... really creepy at me. "Okay spill." She just stands a bit taller and she made some noises that can only be described as 'fangirl noises'. Oh no please sent help. "You and shortstack over there.. Do you have a thing for him?" She quietly mumbles the last part, I feel the heat creep up from the back of my neck and quickly clear my throat. "What?! I-I..." I stumble to find the words, I wanna be honest with Jo but I know she'll try and get us in uncorfortable situations just to get us to kiss, but she is one of my best friends so I decided to suck it up. "Yeah I had a crush on him since I met him." It felt good to tell someone else that. Her smile only brightens and it made me smile aswell. "Good because I haven't seen you smile like that since I met you!" She runs up to me and jumps in my arms to give me a hug. I chuckle and place my hands to keep her steady and we walk back to the couch.

"You better not be stealing my favorite person!" Was said in unison by the two on the chouch. Jo and I laugh and than she jumps off of me and runs to Charlie. "Of course not babe 100% totally yours!" She screams while she tackles Charlie to the ground, where they start making out. "Get a room!!" Gabe shouted. I laughed at that and walked over to him, he was laying on the chouch claiming the whole thing (It was a small couch) and I decided to fuck it and grab his legs and to just sit there with his legs resting on my lap. He smiled at that and I could see a faint blush. I just put on another movie, avengers age of ultron and just kinda play with the end of his trousers. I can hear a noise of appriciation and smile.

One movie later and Gabe decided to come and cuddle, Jo and Charlie wanted the other end of the chouch back and I decided that I really liked the warmth Gabe's body gave. I subltly put my arm around him and pulled his head on my shoulder, he didn't seem to mind at all he even let out a sigh that sounded content. Jo and Charlie had fallen asleep and we were just watching the credits fly by waiting for the last scene's. "Hey Gabe?" I mumbled half asleep, I should've stopped myself before I said something stupid but I was to content to think about that right now. "Yeah S'mmich?" He shifted his head a little to look up at me and then smiled, I mimicked his smile. "I'm really happy we ran into eachother again, I missed feeling this happy." I knew that last part struck him the most because as soon as I said the last word he stiffened and looked concerned. "Why, what made you so.. so, depressed?" My smile didn't falter how ever as I thought back to the time everything was just freaking perfect. "I dunno.." I said while I slowley fell asleep. Feeling Gabe's breathing even out aswell.

When we woke up again it was because the dorm smelled of food. I look at Gabe and see that he was waking up aswell. "Hey beautiful." My voice was alot lower than it usally is and I catch a faint blush on Gabe's cheeks. "Hey Samantha." He mummers and just snuggles closer to me. I pet his head and I can hear Jo and Charlie talking. 5 minutes later Gabriel gets off me and walks to Charlie, I can hear the 3 of them talk about some sort of plan but as soon as I step into the kitchen the talk is about sherlock. I sigh and just sit down now feeling like I interuppted something I look at Jo and she just smiles. "You know if you guys don't want me here and want to continue what ever that was about I could leave.." I say kinda just ignoring their looks and pick up my phone.


The shout came from Jo and I almost fell of the bar chair, I quickly look up (She was using her mom voice believe me you would be scared shitless) and try not to duck away any further. She walks towards me and I can't help but flinch, I scold myself inmidiatly when she takes my hand and just looks sorry. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to use the voice.. But you need to stop thinking that we want you gone." I nod quickly and look up to see 1 confused look and one understanding one. Jo takes Charlie away to explain what happend and I kinda just stare at the floor. "Sammich?" I look up and see Gabe pushing a plate with scrambled egg whites and a bowl of fruit towards me. My eyes lit up as I see that he made something healthy again and I just smile at him "Thanks Gabe." He smiles and takes the seat next to me with the same thing on his plate.

Another cliché fic (sabriel) AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon