7 Chapter 7

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I wanted to run after Gabe, I got off my chair ready to run after him, only to get stopped by something in my way. Or rather someone.. I looked down to see whom I had run into and only noticed some blonde hair. "Oh my Chuck, sorry for bumping into you.." The girl looked up and her eyes went wide with I think was, reconizion and adoration..? "Sam... Sam Winchester. Long time no see!" She went and hugged me, I didn't return her hug as I looked down at her with a confused look on my face. "I'm sorry but do I know you?" I took an step back as her smile fell and she let out a huff of air. "It's me Sammy!" I cringed at the nickname. "It's Sam." "Psh, I thought you liked my nickname!" I took another step back while Jo and Charlie walked over. 'Thank Chuck, saved by my friends.' "Hey Sam who is your new friend?" Jo asked, but when Charlie layed eyes on the girl her eyes went wide. "Becky." She huffed out, My eyes went wide and I took more steps back. "C'mon girl you couldn't wait could you!" She snapped at Charlie. "Uhm, Sam what's wrong?" Jo asked as she saw that I was panicking. "W-hy are you here?" I mumbled taking my phone out of my pocket and sending Gabe a quick text. When I looked up she tried to take a few steps but Charlie went and stood in front of me. "He asked you a question." She gave her a pointed look. "Well isn't it obvious? I go to this college." She smiled a sickly sweet smile.

"Well you know what I don't care I gotta find Gabe." I pushed past the girls and ran off in the direction Gabe ran in. After 30 minutes of searching I gave up and walked to his dorm. Knocking on the door and hearing nothing I sighed. I looked at the time and it was getting late. I decided that I would talk to him tomorrow and walked back to my dorm.

{JoHellhound: Who the Chuck was that girl?!}

{Sammich: That was Becky, a girl who used to be obsessed with me in high school. Apparently she still is..}

I sighed and walked into my room changed into my pj's and sat down with a book. 2 pages into the book and already one character down. 20 minutes later I put down the book and looked at my phone.

{JoHellhound: Oh Chuck she is that weird girl?! Okay well did you at least find Gabe?}

{Sammich: Sadly no, I think he ran to his dorm I'll talk to him tomorrow.}

{JoHellhound: Okay get some sleep, g'night.}

{Sammich: Will do, goodnight.}

I smiled and walked to the kitchen to get some water. Once I had some water on my night stand I turned myself into a burrito and layed in bed staring at the ceiling. Finally some peace and quiet, my mind started to drift away to more dumb questions and I felt totally at peace. I turned around in my burrito form and made sure to shut my lamp off before falling asleep.

When I woke up I, luckily, didn't have an headache! (Yay for not drinking to much) I got up walked into the kitchen and got some breakfast started. I whistle a song that has been stuck in my head since last night, and took the smoothie out of the blender and put it next to the not blended bowl of fruit. "Damn Sam do you want some fruit with that fruit?!" Kevin asked me in shock. "Nah, I'm good." I chuckled and saw him pick up the eggs and bacon, I smiled and looked at my phone.

{Tricksterr: Sorry my dear Samosa I'm okay, should I be worried tho?!}

I put my phone down and picked up the newspaper, yes we still got some sort of school paper, and read it. After about 15 minutes I finished my breakfast and cleaned the now empty bowl and class. I picked up my phone and remembered that I still needed to respond to Gabe,

{Sammich: Nahh nothing to worry about, just quick question do you remember Becky?}

The respond came fast.

Another cliché fic (sabriel) AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt