[2] ; POTIONS 101

Start from the beginning

The Slytherin's cheered in great delight, as the other three houses had staggered applause. Aubrey had been one of the many Slytherin's who joined in on the cheer. She had trusted Snape. Voldemort had trusted him, and always had been a loyal Death Eater, to her knowledge.

Aubrey had turned to look over at Draco, seeing him slumming, his head resting on his hands, barely paying attention. He had the look of fear hidden in his eyes-Aubrey knew he wouldn't be able to kill his school headmaster. Draco was an arrogant prick, but he was no murderer.

"Once, there was a young man," Dumbledore began. "Like you, sat in this very hall. Walked this castle's corridors. Slept under its roof. You see, to all the world, a student like any other. His name, Tom Riddle." Terrified whispers traced around the room. Since Voldemort had came back to power, people were frighten when he would strike once again.

"Today, of course, is known all over the world by another name. Which is why, as I stand, looking out upon you all tonight. I'm reminded of a sobering fact. Every day, every hour, this very minute, perhaps...dark forces attempt to penetrate this castle's walls," Dumbledore had took the time, during his last sentence to stare over at Aubrey and Draco. Draco had nervously squirmed in his seat, as Aubrey narrowed her eyes at the elder man. Dumbledore's statement didn't scare her; Dumbledore was nothing compared to Lord Voldemort.

"But in the end, that greatest weapon is you. Just something to think about. Now off to bed," Dumbledore ended, shooing the students off to their dormitories.

As all the students headed off to bed, Aubrey had smiled softly at Harry as she headed toward the dungeons where the Slytherin common room was located. Harry has given her a wearily smile, before Ron and Hermione pulled him off in the other direction. She sighed in frustartion, before heading toward the common room.

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AUBREY LISTENED TO Professor Slughorn talk about the varies potions. She surprisingly was interested in the craft at making potions. It was a fascinating subject to study. Before Slughorn could even finish his sentence, Harry and Ron had awkwardly walked into the class. Aubrey let a chuckle escape her lips, as Harry had looked quite embarrassed.

"Now, as I was saying, I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn asked, gesturing toward the potions that were in tubes.

Hermione had shot her head into the air. "That one there is Venritaserum," She answered, pointing at a specific tube. "It's a truth telling serum."

"And that one there is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world," Aubrey spoke up, her eyes glancing over at the purplish liquid in a tube. "It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." Harry looked impressed, giving her a small smile. Aubrey winked playfully at him, watching the boy tint a shade of light pink, tearing his eyes away from her.

Slughorn had moved onto another potion, explaining it to be Felix Felicis-Liquid Luck. He had given the students the rest of the class period to successfully brew Draught of Living Dead. Slughorn would reward the successful student the tube of the potion, to whoever could produce the potion correctly.

The students raced around the room, gathering the appropriate ingredients needed to create the potion. Aubrey had been taught on how to brew potions-thanks to the Malfoy's and Voldemort himself. She didn't need to use the textbook, she knew the potion by heart.

Aubrey had glanced around at the other students, waiting for her potion to sit. She spotted Hermione growing frazzled-the brunette found it humorous, considering she was supposed to be highly intelligent. Ron barely cared, just randomly putting in ingredients. Other students were trying, but messing up miserably. Draco's mind seemed elsewhere, his eyes continued to glaze at the textbook. Aubrey had then stared at Harry, as he was brewing the potion in great elegance. She was purely impressed by his talent.

When the hour was up, there were only two students who successfully brewed the potion-Harry and Aubrey. He had placed two small, green leaves into each of their potions. "Merlin's beard! It is perfect! So, perfect I'd say. One drop would kill us all," Slughorn expressed.

Aubrey grinned cockily, her hands linked around her backside. "Here we are then, as promised. One vial of Felix Felicis, and an extra one I brewed early this morning," Slughorn handing over the two vials over to the students. Aubrey graciously accepted the vile, as Harry did also.

The witch gathered her stuff, hearing the infamous golden trio talk about how Harry managed to brew the potion, if Hermione couldn't even do it.

"It's because he's skilled," Aubrey stated, joining into their conversation, walking beside the trio.

"How come you were able to brew it?" Ron suspiciously asked.

Aubrey simply smiled. "Beauxbatons does teach their students how to brew potions."

"Are you pretty good at brewing any other potions?" Harry curiously asked.

Aubrey nodded. "I think I am."

"Anything else you're good at?"

Aubrey smirked. "You'll just have to find out, Potter." The brunette winked, before walking off to her next class.

It seemed she was starting to reel Harry in; her plan was starting to be put into motion.

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