Chapter Eight // Epilogue

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Ponyboy wakes up slowly, opening his eyes only to be met with Johnny smiling at him. He blushes deeply and bites his lip.

"Why are you staring," I murmur out.

"Cause you're beautiful," Johnny says softly.

I feel his arms around my waist and blush a little more, nuzzling into his chest. He holds me close.

"So... Last night," I say slowly. "It was really nice..."

"Y-yeah, it really was. Did you enjoy it," he asks shyly.

I nod my head slowly, looking at him and smiling softly. Johnny kisses my forehead.

"Has anyone ever told you that you have beautiful eyes," Johnny asks.

"No. Have you ever been told that?"

Johnny shakes his head slightly but still gives a soft smile. I giggle.

"You have beautiful eyes Johnny Cade. And I would know, I had the same color in an eye for sixteen years," I say.

(I'm going through and changing Ponyboy to 16 and Johnny to 18)

"Was it worth the wait meeting me?"

"Of course it was Johnny and I would do it all over again..."

"Me too Ponyboy, me too..."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

-  -  -  -  -


How was it?

I didn't have anywhere to go and I thought they were happy so I made a cheesy ending

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