Me x And x Him (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

As soon as my eyes landed on him there was this weird peacefulness I felt at the sight of him and then hugging that icky feeling was a growing sickness. I opened my mouth but as soon as I'm able I began vomiting water that flowing out of my body like a river going downstream or rather a waterfall. I heard snickering as I finally emptied all of the swallowed water from within me. I groaned gripping my throat as I glared at Hisoka who was smiling. He found this funny!? That idiot clown was going to kill me and he was laughing! He was a maniac!

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I screamed despite how much it hurt my throat. Surprisingly that seems to surprise him as he looked towards me with a blank expression then a small grin was back on his lips. "You're...crazy!" I growled and without thinking I lunged at Hisoka. I managed to pin him down, but the success of it didn't last long.

As quickly as I had him in my grip was equally how quickly I lost him. "Is this your way of thanking me...," he asked his eyes scanned me with mischief, "I would have settled with a kiss, but seeing as already I stole one from you, I'm invested in this?" He managed to roll off me and grabbed me from the behind holding both my arms pinned.

"Ouch!" I scolded. "You're even crazier than I thought if you think I'm thanking you!"

"I'm pretty sure I saved you," he replied.

"You tried to drown me", I scoffed.

"Drow-", he started to finish but out of nowhere, he began chuckling softly to himself until he could no longer hold in his laughter and completely turned psychotic in the act. I struggled even more in his grip as he laughed to himself. Dammit, how was I this weak?!

"Let me go!" I squelched which was the worst mistake I ever made. My throat burned even more, and to top it off my eyes itch like crazy suddenly.

He chuckled to himself as he let go of my arms, but not before wrapping his legs and arms around my body as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "I find it funny how you thought I was going to kill you", he said in the way of a question but his tone said differently, "now why would I do that huh? I'm the examiner...I'm not even supposed to touch you." His voice tingled in my ear in a way that was pleasant yet terrifying at the same time. All the more, it made me want to get as far away from him as possible if I could only get out of his grip.

"Then why did you hold me underwater? You were drowning me Hisoka!" I growled.

He huffed and pressed his forehead down against my back as he squeezed my torso slightly. The maniac had finally stopped giggling and was now attached to me like a bear cub. Ridiculous! "I told you not to go in there."

"Wh—you mean the fog?" He hummed in reply as his breath brushed up against my skin through my soggy clothes. I thought about bashing him against the head, but knew it would do no good. My hand may be free but my body wasn't he would instantly stop me. "What does that have to do with you drowning me?"

"The mist Hikari." He huffed as he lifted his head and his lips were right beside my ear now sending goosebumps all over. "I wasn't trying to drown you. When I found you earlier today, your body was already exposed to the mist for too long. I could have left you, but I didn't want to. Lucky you, right? I was washing the mist from your body so you wouldn't burn. It was already burning your body any way cause of the amount of time you spent in it, I wouldn't let you burn anymore."

With that Hisoka unwraps his legs and arms from around me and stood up. I gulp praising the fact that my face was turned away from him. I didn't know what expression was written on it, but I wouldn't let him read my emotions because of it. Once I composed myself I turned around to face him. When I did I saw that he was hunched over a small little fire he had made which I guessed was earlier. He bashed two rocks together near a stick and a small fire came alive. Hisoka looked back over at me and I saw that his face had turned back to normal, or as normal as it could be. His neutral emotionless monotonous expression was plastered on his clownish face.

{Protector} Hisoka x Male Reader (Hunter x Hunter)Where stories live. Discover now