The Trial part 1

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20 podiums in a circular courtroom, on 19 of those podiums stand a potential murderer, while the 1 empty stand where the victim would of stood had a stand set up to match her height as well as have a picture frame that showed her head down to about the start of her shoulders, a big red X was painted over the portrait. The rest of the room is consistent of checkered flooring, blue walls with pearl white columns running up the walls and red curtains dotted between every 2 pillars. Oh and their was a court master seat to which the judge, jury and executioner Monokuma sat. He's a teddy bear, his left half a pale white while his right side a black coal. On his black side he had an evil smile where as his white side holds the classic teddy bear smile. His left eye is button black while his right half has a red horizontal stripe for an eye. I was standing between Violets 'deceased stand' (the name was just so generously donated to it by Akemi, much to everyone's shock) and Drake, he had been the one to help me investigate so I was kind of glad he was standing next to me, it's true that I haven't known him for very long but I trust him, he's proven himself trustworthy. In front of me embedded into the podium appears to be a small screen, right now the screen is only showing where everyone should be standing:

1) Junako
2) Drake
3) Akemi
4) Rocky
5) Sora
6) Sainõ
7) Kounna
8) Hoshihiko
9) Tako
10) Riku
11) Tantei
12) Scarlet
13) Toshihiro
14) Kūki
15) Hiroko
16) Jõshõ
17) Hajiga
18) Rõzu
19) Atearu
20) Violet (DEAD)

Everybody apart from Scarlet, Kounna, Hajiga and Drake were looking around worryingly, Toshihiro seemed to be the most freaked out, he was looking all over the group and begun fidgeting in place, no one seemed to be saying anything. After about 5 minutes of everyone just standing around and not saying anything the bear had finally had enough "ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT ALREADY, I GUESS I'LL GET THIS THING GOING!!" Monokumas shout boomed across the court room, everyone looked over, some of us jumped in surprise while other just remained silent. "Ahem, well then without further delay I shall begin the class trial" Monokuma then began to explain how it all played out.

"During the class trial, you will present your arguments for who the culprit is and vote for who 'donit'. If you vote correctly then only the blackened will be punished but if you pick the wrong person, then I'll punish everyone besides the blackened and that person will earn the right to leave this academy, also refusing to vote will lead to death so you better vote for somebody" Monokuma sounded excited throughout, from start to finish, Drake seemed to look over at Monokuma with a serious gaze, well I guess he wasn't the only one, I was too. "U-um . . Y-you make it sound e-easy but w-w-where do we begin . . ." Toshihiro stuttered as usual while he looked over at Monokuma sadly as if he was trying to gain his sympathy, "It appears to be a simple concept, all we must do is- "BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ANYONE WHO LOOKS SUSPICIOUS" Sora shouted out, interrupting Riku, the girl looked agitated and gave Sora a stern look "well as I was saying we just need to present evidence from the investigation and piece it all together one step at a time" Riku spoke calmly as if she was talking to a group of children. "So where do we begin then?" Atearu asked curiously, everyone in the room remained silent for a brief moment but Scarlet broke that silence "How about how we found the crime scene? It was odd to see that room in such a tidy state considering that a murder had just occurred in it" everyone seemed to agree on this, and so begun the first debate in this life or death trial.

(You are about to start you first non-stop debate but before that here is a quick tutorial. During the Trial you will hear student statements one after the other in a loop. However there will be an error within someone's argument which will appear in Bold. To call out the error you will have to use your truth bullets. What's a truth bullet? You might be asking, well that's your evidence of course, use the evidence / truth bullets to shoot through the students error, the answer to each non-stop debate will be displayed below the end of the argument. That is all for now good luck and have fun.)
(Oh and optional music will be suggested at certain points in the trail, feel free to listen to it if you want.)

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