Chapter 12 - Right Little Man, Be Tough For Daddy

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Alfie's P.O.V

I woke up and looked out the window and saw Tyler outside crying sitting on the curb looking out over downtown LA. I ran down the stairs in my tracky bottoms and nothing else but my Calvin Klein boxers. I opened the door and sat beside him wrapping my hand around his shoulders. He looked at me then looked at me with his innocent eyes full of tears.

'Sawyer just drove Troye to hospital'

'What? why?'

I said still speaking very softly.

'He cut too deep and nearly bled out in the bathroom, I found him like 20 mins ago.. he was unconscious.'

'He'll be okay. In an hour we'll go up in the mini bus, yeah? me and you'


He said still crying. I helped him up and brought him over to the sofa and sat him on my lap as he cried. I don't care if I'm not gay and he has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend. He cried into me and I stroked his purple hair. I looked at my phone and it was 5am. S'probably why I'm so tired. Luke came down at quarter past and gave me a confused look. I stood Tyler up and he melted into Luke's hug. I ran to the loo and made me Luke and Tyler a coffee each. I brought them over in the Nescafé mugs that the machine came with. They both said thanks and Tyler soon cuddled into Luke as I held his hand. I put on Americas Next Top Model as I know Tyler adores Tyra Banks. Through twitter obviously.

'You coming with us to the hospital?'


Luke said and I went and put a shirt on. Then got one from Luke's suitcase on the stairs and threw it at him. Tyler had some shorts and a vest top on. I left everyone a note on the counter saying.

'Me, Ty and Luke have gone to the hospital, Troyes not well, Sawyer should call with news later. See you tonight guys,

Alf xx
(text me zo)'

We soon arrived and we reached the ward from asking many nurses. We walked into the private room and saw Troye looking nearly dead. A drip in his arm and a bandage on the other. He was passed out still. Tyler sat beside the bed and held his hand while Sawyer came outside with me and Luke. The doctor soon came and told us he'd wake Troye up now because the drip was making him sleep while they stitched his arm up. Once he was awake we sat at the corner of the room and watched Troye wake up and look at Tyler. Tyler pulled him onto his lap as he cried into the neck of the hospital gown. Troye crumbled into Tyler as he cried onto his neck.

'I love you.. Troye never do that again.. please'

He cried. After around 15 minutes of tears Troye stood up a bit wobbly and we all gave him a hug one by one. I whispered.

'You silly little Aussie'

Into his ear and he laughed and smiled sweetly to me. He soon got back in the bed and Tyler tried to get why out of him. Turns out Troyes also bulimic and has depression, bless him. I kissed him on the top of the head when I left and headed to the cafe. On the way I saw Shay Carl pacing up and down a hallway.


I said and he gave me a sad look, not his usual, and positive self.


'What's up?'

'Daxtons in.. he has a heart condition'


'Yeah.. wanna see him?'


I said and followed him into a room where Brotard lay in a glass incubator with a feeding and oxygen tube. Shay carefully picked him up being careful of his floppy newborn head. He slowly passed him to me and I sat down. I soon noticed Colette sleeping on the sofa with red teary cheeks. I stroked the back of his head as he laid on my chest. Shay held his tiny hand and I saw a tear run down his cheek and getting lost in his beard.

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