Chapter 25 - Painting

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Zoe's P.O.V

I woke up at 7am and showered admiring my beautiful bump, he kicks more frequently now. Only 8 weeks to go. That's terrifying. But we have a house now. After showering and drying my hair, I tied it up into a high ponytail and applied some light makeup then went down into the kitchen. I made some toast and cereal and laid it all out on the kitchen table with 4 glasses and orange juice and coffee. Firstly I went into my room and saw Lilly asleep on my side of the bed from where I'd moved. I scooped the light girl up in my arms and she woke up slowly as I left the room as to not wake Alfie. I helped her to bathe and dried her stunning brown hair like mine. I plaited a section from both sides at the front back and put a pink lace bow in the back of her hair and  chose and outfit from one of the many bags we'd bought. I dressed her in a pretty floral pink dress and cardigan and leggings as its spring. She chose her plain black pumps also. I sent her in to wake Alfie as I watched from the door as she jumped on him and hugged him saying.

'daddy daddy daddy daddyyy?'

He woke and hugged her and started getting ready as Joe did the same. By 8:45am we were all eating around the table and all dressed and ready. After we ate Alfie and I tidied up while Joe and Lilly played then we decided Lilly could go with Joe today to meet Marcus and Niomi while me and Alfie bought paint and painted the new house. Saying goodbye when we dropped Joe and Lilly off was hard. Lilly was tough and simply kissed us both and said she loved us and ran off chasing Joe across the park.

Me and Alfie soon reached the house with the paints and headed straight up to the second larger room which would be Lillians. We decided we would paint it all light pinky purple. Alf laid a sheet on the already pink carpet so it wouldn't get paint on and Alfie played music through his laptop as we danced and painted the room. Once two of the four walls were done me and Alfie were laughing and kissing and dancing while covered in paint and eating ordered pizzas while sat on the sheet on the floor.

'What are we going to call our son Zo?'

He said eating pizza and I smiled.

'I don't know'

I said and we continued painting the room and soon finished all the walls and I painted over the stencil on middle of one the rooms saying Lillian and The Princess written under it. Now it was 2pm at this time. We then moved the sheet into the smaller room that would be our baby boys. We painted the walls a pale blue and Alfie put up some oak wood black out blinds up while I laughed at him fail for a while. Then I helped him put up the pink lampshade in Lilly's room as it didn't have a window.

Downstairs at 8pm we also put up the same lightwood blinds on all the 6 windows around the downstairs and then drove back to my apartment where Lilly and Joe were waiting for us as they'd made us dinner. Cute.

When I opened the door Lilly ran at me and I picked her up and kissed her and she said how much she missed me and 'daddy'. I passed her to Alfie where he kissed her head and cuddled the little girl who then dragged her into the kitchen where dinner of spaghetti and meatballs was laid on the table. We all sat down and ate and talked about my birth and that.

'So basically when I go into labour, we'll call someone of your choosing Lilly, to take care of you for the two or three days we're in the hospital and then you can meet him in the hospital'

I explained to both Lilly and Joe.

'I'll look after her Zo, when you go into labour I'll house sit and guinea pig sit and Lilly sit'

Joe smiled and tickled Lilly quickly as she ate and giggled.

'Yay! Plan settled then, now all we need is a name.'

I said and we all went silent.

'i have no clue'

Alfie and Joe said in unison then smiled.  Soon after we finished eating the boys cleared up while I gave Lilly a bath and got her in the white fluffy onesie we'd bought her. We then decided to watch the new Hunger Games movie and Lil fell asleep on Joe's lap and he fell asleep with her.

Love jawyerandshoey xx

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