Chapter 19 - Names

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Zoe's P.O.V

As we entered Marcus and Niomi's apartment we were welcomed with warm hugs from Niomi as Marcus ordered our pizzas in the kitchen. We all settled on the sofa and I began chatting to Niomi about makeup and Tans amazing lip glosses until she offered me some Rosé. I replied yes then Alfie tapped my leg and gave me a stern look and realised. I'm pregnant, I can't drink anymore. Right. Time to undo this.

'Niomi, scrap that. I don't want to drink tonight.'

'If you want to sleepover it's cool!'

Marcus smiled and I panicked and looked at Alfie, who looked at Joe, who looked back to me.

'Well guys, me and Zo wanted to tell you something.. Zo's pregnant.'

Alfie said with a massive grin as Marcus ran over to Alfie and gave him a massive hug which is a very rare sight! Then Niomi shruck and hugged me grinning wildly. Once we told all the information we had we all sat and ate then started chatting about my newly found pregnancy.

'So do you want a boy or girl?' Marcus smiled, the question obviously focused on Alf.

'I don't mind'

Alfie smiled to me as I stated.

'I think if it was a girl you three would be very protective '

I said as Niomi agreed, as did the boys. Alfie replied.

'I'd love a girl like Emilia!! We should really tell them considering Jonathan wants us to get married!!'

'True! Maybe we could pop round tomorrow!'

I smiled and we all soon settled on the sofa as Joe headed to the spare room for an early night. As Marcus turned off the main light off in his and Niomis stunning little apartment I cuddled up to Alfie while Niomi put on the first ever episode in the first series of American Horror Story on for us to begin watching together. After 3 episodes we all sat and chatted about our plans which we had none. We presumed, all going accordingly that we'd move in together and raise the little one happily. Continuing YouTube obviously. We soon decided Marcus and Niomi would be called Autie and Uncle but obviously not actual relatives. Joe is obviously the baby's actual uncle which I'm very exited about!! I broke the news to my mum and dad over the phone as they live so far away.

'Have you thought of any names yet?'

Niomi asked excitedly.

'Well we're only a 6 or so weeks so a lot could still complicate it! But I have a little'

Alfie said and smiled at me.

'Me too'

I smiled back.

'What were you thinking?'

I said to Alfie and he said.

'Well for a boy I've always loved Seth, Keaton and Uriah'

'I love them!!'

Me and Niomi both said in unison. Marcus soon said.

'You've always said Seth and Uriah, where did they even come from?'

'I dunno really'

Alfie said and cuddled up to me.

'So what about a girl then Zo?'

Marcus asked me and I really had no clue.

'Umm, I don't know. I like really unique, obscure names though'

'We have 8 and a half months to choose.'

Alfie stated. My phone rang just then and I hopped up an stepped outside and answered it. It was Anna SacconeJoly.

'Hey Anna!'

'Hey Zoe, you want to meet up tomorrow?'

'Yeah! We could go to the trampoline zone place in London! Marcus as in Butler has it rented and said he'd love for you guys to come so he can meet you!'

'Yeah that sounds awesome!'

'And I need to tell you something'

'Okay! Come to our house at 10am?'

'Yeah! see you then!'

'Bye! Tell Marcus I said thank you!'

'Will do! Bye!'

I said and headed back in to confirm the plans with the guys. I'm so exited to see Eduardo and Emilia and Anna and Joffee! They are going to be so exited! Maybe she can help me think up some girl names!

Love jawyerandshoey xx

Comment any girls and boys names you like!! x

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