Chapter I: The Bombshell

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She stepped out of the car with elegance, the cold wind of harmattan hitting her face, making the veil she wore fly around her face. Using her henna covered hands she drew the veil over her head, fussing over how much of a trouble it was wearing a veil during harmattan.

With a sigh, she closed the door and made for the revolving doors of the mall, returning a smile to the security man as he opened the door for her. She was a regular at the Ado Bayero Mall so he was already used to seeing her.

Today was the day of her Nikkah•, she was marrying the man whom she felt she wanted to marry although she didn't love him, she felt safe and comfortable around him. The knots were going to be tied in an hour yet there she was, in a mall.

She snuck out of the house to watch a movie and get a new pair of Archie Comics with no care in the world, she had no idea when she was going to come back to the mall again or if she was ever coming back so she had to visit it one last time.

She first made her way into Shorprite and ambled towards the chocolate section. Throwing piece after piece of chocolates, she went towards her favorite section and just her luck, new stack of the comic books were placed on the shelf. She picked five pieces then waited in line to pay for her stuff.

"Star!" The cashier's eyes widened when she saw her. "What are you doing here? Aren't you getting married today?"

"I had to get these goodies," she grinned placing her stuff on the table. "I can't go without them."

With a shake of her head, the cashier collected her credit card and inserted it into the POS. She was already used to Najmah's antics. She was 22 yet she still hasn't given up on reading the comics.

Smiling, she packed Najmah's stuff into a shopping bag and gave it to her after wishing her a blessed union.

Najmah made her way into the cinema and sat down as she watched Oculus, she was such a sucker for horror movies. Her phone kept vibrating as the Haroun household had finally realized the disappearance of their bride. She ignored their calls and kept munching her popcorn with her eyes glued on the screen.

When the vibrations got unbearable, she huffed then trotted out of the cinema, rummaging through her bag for the offending item.

"Ummita calm down," she tried to pacify her mother as she made her way towards the exit of the mall. "I'll be back right away."

She listened as her mother ranted on the phone knowing that she was in deep shit, but she couldn't just stay at home waiting for the Nikkah to be done; she had other things to do. She finally managed to get the keys out of her bag with her phone still attached to her ear.

"Ummita!" she whined, "I'm coming home right away besides the event isn't till three in the afternoon what's the rush?"

She got into the car as she listened to her mum chide her for her childishness. With a sigh, she revved the car's engine then disconnected the call.

She connected her phone to the aux and scrolled through her music list till she found her favorite song. She sang to the tune of Austin Mahone's lady as she drove towards her parent's home in Janbulo.

After almost an hour ride due to the heavy traffic, Najmah finally arrived at their home. She honked and the gateman quickly opened the door for her. She packed the car then picked up her shopping bag and her pouch then alighted from the car. Drawing the veil over her face, she entered the now busy household through the kitchen door; it was easier to get in without being detected.

She went straight to her room and found an angry Haj. Salmah waiting for her, hands akimbo. She swallowed a lump in her throat then threaded towards her angry mother. She dropped her shopping bag then placed the car keys on her mother's outstretched hand and before she could distance herself from the angry woman, her ear was assaulted.

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