11: Rekindled

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 Cameron and the group she had been traveling with had been walking for the past several days until they finally arrived at a small church in the center of an old broken down town. Moss and greenery had been growing up, and down the sides of the buildings, signs of decay had overcome a lot of the brick on each structure. Though the church at the center had remained only slightly ruined, the doors were torn off, and the stained glass windows were somewhat faded, but the bell tower all the way down to the primary structure was mostly intact.

"Well...here we are," Dimitri said as they approached the small church. "Let me see if he's up," He said looking up at the bell tower. "DEVRIM!" He shouted up to the tower. A man poked out from the top for just a moment, quick enough to where the others couldn't get a glimpse of what he looked like. The sound of footsteps on the wooden paneling on the inside was loud enough for the group to understand that Dimitri's voice had been heard. After a moment a man stepped out front.

He was wearing an olive green, long sleeved jacket, and around his left bicep, he had a tan band tied in a knot. His face had two long creases going down from the corners of his eyes close to his face and going down past his mouth, and he had heavy wrinkles on his forehead just above his eyebrows. On his hand, he had two fingerless, black, leather gloves, clutched tightly around a long wooden sniper rifle with an engraved stock. The gun itself appeared to be a bolt action rifle with a lot of the same camouflage olive green material on his jacket. His pants were a worn down pair of jeans, covered in dirt and debris with a few tears in them. On his feet was a simple pair of yellow work boots. Around his lips he had a thick black beard that slowly faded into the grey one that was all around his face, leading to the short cropped black hair on his head.

"Dimitri?" He asked in his slight British accent.

"Yes, Devrim, it's me," He chuckled back. Devrim quickly slung his rifle over his back and gave Dimitri a hug, cracking a smile and patting him on the back hard.

"Can't believe I'd ever see you again," He chuckled then looking over at the Elik clad in the Warbeast skin. "Zorrin, pleasure as always," Devrim said holding out his hand. Zorrin shook it once after a tight grip as Devrim's attention shifted over to Cameron and the two Teenager's she had with her. "Ah, I see you've brought guests, and I don't even have any tea to serve," He said with a shrug walking up to Cameron holding out his hand. "Devrim Kay, the eighth, at your service,"

"Cameron Vasquez," She replied shaking his hand back. "Pleasure Devrim," Devrim started looking her up and down with squinty eyes, getting a readout on her appearance. Cameron could feel his scrutinizing eyes peering through her armor, almost like he was looking at her without clothes.

"Armor's badly damaged," Devrim said to her. "And...I think that's City made isn't it?" He asked.

"Yes...it was," Cameron replied looking down at the floor in front of her as Athena floated out of her chest and started to look around. Dimitri placed a hand on his shoulder causing Devrim to turn around for a moment to talk with him, filling him in on the details of what had happened over the past few days.

"Well...that's...certainly a lot to take in," Devrim said looking back over at the three people who he'd never seen before. "I apologize for your hardship,"

"Thank you Devrim..." Cameron replied looking over at where Athena was, to see her sitting not too far away, just staring up at the sky. Cameron ran over to her and looked at where she was standing, she appeared to just be looking at one of the mountains.

"Athena now's not exactly the time to be enjoying the mountains from the ground," Cameron told her.

"Cameron...that's not a mountain," She replied not even moving from her position, entranced by the object. Cameron looked up and squinted her eyes again, and as it turned out. Athena was right. "It's a shard of the Traveler, I can feel it's light permeating through this place...we might be able to get our light back," She said turning around to look at Cameron. Her photoreceptor appeared to be much brighter than it had previously been.

The Death of Hope: Shattered Past Book 6 (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now