5: Reunion

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James looked out the window to his right as the sun rose over Hope, making the skyscrapers reflect the sun's light off their many glass windows. There was a time when that sight made him happy, that there was something beautiful that would be there for him on that day. There were some things that he knew that he'd have to talk about with his family, but who could he trust? He was betrayed by his teacher, a person who he'd respected and revered for many years, and she did all of those terrible things. Having to do what he did broke his heart. He hated himself for all the things that he did, for her rise to power was all his fault. 

Soon, he decided that he would try to stand again, feeling much more vigor than he did earlier. His bare Exo feet touched the ground without any pain, and he slowly moved up to get himself situated. He rubbed his eyes for just a moment before looking down to notice that he wasn't half-naked, he was fully naked. Letting out a sigh of embarrassment, James grabbed a pair of pants that were on the table next to him and slid them on.  He walked out of the hospital room; everything was quiet, the only thing that made noise was the gentle sound of the clicking of keys on the Secretary Frame's keyboard. 

The Exo walked out of the room with his hands in his pockets, if things hadn't changed too much then he guessed that nobody would be out by this time. He left the Medical Bay and walked out into the Tower North, and just as he suspected, it was dead silent. He looked carefully at the area where New Monarchy had its representative stationed, Hideo, wasn't there, just the white triangle with three red rectangles on the right side. James eyed the symbol, and a torrent of emotions overtook him. "Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it..." He thought continuing to walk up the stairs that were on the left of the area. He climbed up those stairs for a few minutes until finally, he reached the end, and he saw her. 

About twenty feet away from him was a woman in grey sweatpants with a t-shirt on, her face was red, and she was crying. Her hair was the same snow white, and her skin the same shade of tan as when he left. Usually, what he would do was walk up to her and give her a hug, but now...he didn't know what to do. Though, as if on instinct, he started walking. Cameron just whimpered on the railing, still feeling empty as she often did. She could hear someone walking toward her. 

"Let me stop you right there," She sniffled. "No, I am not okay..." She sobbed tears pouring out of her eyes like a broken fire hydrant. 

"I know." He replied. Cameron's eyes instantly widened: she knew that voice. "Please don't be hallucinating, Please don't be hallucinating," She said slowly turning her head to the right. Next to her, stood what looked like her husband, naked from the waist up and looking her dead in the eyes. She looked up to his face, and with a shaky hand reached out to touch his face, running her hand along the metal features. Feeling each crevasse and creak in his complexion. Slowly, she took breaths in and out, each one shakier than the last. She looked at him up and down, running her hands all over his body. His abdomen and his back she paid the closest attention to. With her lips quivering and her eyes growing bright she finally asked.

"J-J-James?" She asked. 

"Yes, beautiful, it's me.." He replied making a smile on his face. Cameron then melted in his arms. She started to bawl uncontrollably burying her face in her lover's chest placing her hands on his chest weeping there. James could feel the water in her eyes pour out over his chest, gently he wrapped his arms around her torso pulling her close. He remembered how much he missed this, how he left her behind and he began to cry too, and his grip on her grew tighter. 

"You have any idea how much I missed you?!" Cameron sobbed. 

"I know Cameron...and I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry..." He cried with her. 

The Death of Hope: Shattered Past Book 6 (Destiny 2)Where stories live. Discover now