Chapter 10: Niall

Start from the beginning

"Is that why you're working at the Crown?"

Roxanne nodded, "Yeah and Ryan pays me extra for dancing on the bar. On Wednesday, he made a deal to give me a raise if I danced more provocatively that night."

"That explains a lot," I muttered. My fingers trailed up and down her arm. Her skin was so soft. "I honestly don't like you dancing up there."


"So many men stare at you," I explained. "Sometimes, I just want to grab you by the waist and pull you off the bar."

Roxanne giggled and smiled at me, "Men will always stare. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked, making her look up at me.

She raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, "Niall, if you never met me at the party and went to the Crown, you probably would've cheered me on like every other guy there."

I slid my fingers down her face, "Either way I would've met you, I'd still want you the same way I do now."

My eyes traveled down her lips. They were such a perfect shape and the color was beautiful. I leaned towards them and kissed her. A moan escaped from her, making me slide my fingers through her hair. Her hand ran up my side and found its place on the back of my neck. I leaned towards her so that I was now on top of her.

I pulled away from her and started kissing her jawline and then moved down to her neck. She tilted her head to the side so that I can have more access to her beautiful neck. Under my lips, I felt her pulse racing. Her pulse quickened when the front of my fingers glided down her side and hip. My fingers touched a little bit of bare skin due to shirt being slightly up. I continued kissing her neck and moved back to her lips. She wrapped one hand around my neck and the other in my hair. I moaned softly when her fingers trailed up my hair.

Getting too heated for her again, Roxanne pulled away. I leaned back on the blanket too because I was just out of breath as she was. My heart was pounding fast and I felt unsteady. God, what is she doing to me? I never felt like this with any girl before. She's so...special.

I glanced over at Roxanne. An arm was placed above her head and the other on her mouth. She was avoiding eye contact with me the whole time she was trying to catch her breath. Finally, Roxanne calmed down and rested her hands.

"That kiss gave you an interesting reaction," I laughed. She bit her lip and turned away. "Oh, come on, Rox, I was only kidding."

She tilted her head towards me, "What do you see in me?"

I leaned forward and caressed her cheek as I talked. "I see a beautiful girl with hair as dark as raven feathers, pretty brown eyes, golden skin, and dark pink lips with a beautiful smile. I feel like she has a lot of secrets and can't trust anyone, especially one that she knows is a perfect match for her."

"And who is this perfect match?"

I cupped her cheek in my hand and stared deep into her sad and concerned eyes. "I know you already know who I'm talking about."

"Niall," she sighed and looked away from me. I could tell that she was sad. Whatever it was that she was hiding, it must be serious. "Getting involved with me isn't a good idea. I don't like anyone holding me down. I like freedom. No, I need freedom."

"I won't take that away from you," I promised, holding her hand.

Roxanne slowly pulled her hand away and shook her head. "Yes, you will. I don't understand why you chose me. It doesn't make sense."

"I chose you because you were different. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. I hooked up with some girls before and they are so different compared to you. They were easy and they never challenged me. You challenge me every day. I feel like everything is an adventure with you. You're ruthless, compassionate, mean, nice, and so much more. You drive me crazy by just being around you."

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