chapter 2

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(Cue theme from when the emperor arrives on the deathstar)

A shuttle flew out of a capital ships hangar and made it's way o the planets surface. landing and the ramp lowering. Doom walked down, thousands of troops lined up, at the end of the rows, was Grinder and two other figures. He made his way down the lines of warriors. Each with the distinctive symbol of his kinds military.

"Grand General, welcome back"

Doom silenced the person who spoke with a wave of his hand and spoke

"The Galactic Empire shall fall faster then it rose, and when it does... We shall strike in full force"

(Cue, some random soundtrack form a star wars movie here, something hoth like, he he he)

Ezra walked onto the bridge of The Shadow, Having been made aware of a security breach

"What is it"

The security officer pointer to a dot on his screen and spoke

"We detected this droid just a few minutes ago, we have no idea what design it is or where it came from, but we have a recording of it speaking"

Ezra leaned in a listened to the droid speaking, Ezra then stood straight and turned on his comm

"Sabine, I need your imperial knowledge on the bridge"

Her voice came through seconds later

"I'm on my way"

A few minutes later Sabine enters the bridge, walking over to Ezra, Ezra then speaks

"We have this recording of a droid, I believe it's imperial, can you confirm it for us"

The playback of the droid speaking starts again and Sabine cuts it off seconds later

"Imperial probe droid, most likely scouting out our defences for an assault"

(Cue march of the resistance)

Ezra turns to the bridge crew and speaks

"I want all forces on high alert, all fighters are to be prepped fro launch and I want all weapons systems ready for combat, if a probe droid is here, then an imperial fleet is not far behind"

Talia and Wedge were walking alone the hallway to their shared room when the alarms started going off. Wedge's comm then goes off, he answers it and Ezra's voice comes through
"Wedge, I need you and Talia to prep your fighter for combat"

Wedge looks at Talia and then replies

"What's going on"

Ezra replies seconds later

"An imperial probe droid was spotted several minutes ago, an imperial fleet is most likely on the way"

Wedge looks at Talia and replies


(Cue Imperial march)

Thrawn stands on the bridge of the Chimaera, the striped lines of hyperspace going past, his strategy all ready to use. In a few minutes, the ships will drop out of hyperspace and begin phase on of the assault. An officer looks up and speaks

"Sir, new intel from the probe"

Thrawn looks over and speaks

"What is the intel"

The officer looks at the screen and then seconds later looks up in a rush

"The last transmission the probe sent was that the defence fleet and stations were on high alert and that battle systems were being charged before it was shortly destroyed"

Thrawn narrowed his eyes, his strategy was now going to have to change as this would not do.

Seconds later, the fleet dropped out of hyperspace.

(Cue Occupation Of Balmorra theme/theme that everyone relates to Revan)

Ezra was fast in his orders, The Fighters came fast, heading straight for the imperial fleet, Ezra and Sabine in the lead fighter, followed by Talia and Wedge after. Thrawn reacted fast, ordering his fighters to intercept them. Ezra moved his fighter and gave orders. The Ties came in numbers, but the Kom'rk fighters were designed well. Moving and with two twin blasters at the back, able to target and destroyer any fighters behind it. Thrawn watched as the battle unfolded. His Ties were being overrun by the sheer skill the pilots of the Kom'rk fighters had, decided it was time to unleash the new Tie fighter.

"Commander Faro, order the Tie Hunter squadron to enter battle and begin reducing the number of fighters they have"

Thrawn's orders were carried out fast, soon Tie Interceptor looking fighters advanced on the Kom'rk fighters. The wings angled out in the opposite direction of a Tie Interceptor. They moved with amazing speed, making way for battle. When in range, they fired, taking out several fighters. Ezra saw this and ordered his wing men to form up on him.

"Royal squadron, form up, we're taking out those new Tie's"

Sabine pulled one up on her screen and looked at it. It was nothing she had seen during her days at the academy. She looked at them and saw that they were very much like Tie Interceptors, but seemingly much faster and powerful.

(Cue the battle of Crait theme)

Ezra guided the ship into combat and fire at the closet Tie Hunter. Watching it go up in flames, the rest of his squadron following suit. Thrawn watched this and saw that even his fighters were not matched to the skill of a force user piloting a ship. Ezra moved fast and ordered is fleet to move in. The Shadow leading the fleet, moving in to attack. Thrawn watch's as the fleet moves in and orders his force to engage at close range. From behind, Ezra's long range warships begin to open fire, dealing damage tot he shields of Thrawn's fleet. Thrawn, knowing to stay away from the defence stations, decides to draw them out away from the defence stations. Close by, a second fleet of Mandalorian warships advances, out of sensor range and keeping quiet. They Receive orders from Ezra and the fleet begins to advance forward.

Thrawn watch's the main battle when his sensor station officer alerts him to the new threat.

"Send some ships to engage them"

Thrawn's orders were sent out fast and he Turns back to watch the battle.

The star destroyers advance, making way for the smaller ships to advance. The battle may be far from over, but Thrawn will win, or he will die in his assault.

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