chapter 1

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The Chimaera moved into orbit of Garel. Thrawn sat in his office, the hologram of the emperor lit up his blue face. The voice of the emperor spoke, his voice broken by his age and time exposed to force lightning.

"Grand Admiral Thrawn, Rebellion, Resistance, these at ideals that they will burn away, but I do not have time for this Rebellion to exist any longer, I am sending several fleets to back up the seventh fleet, us them wisely"

Thrawn narrowed his eyes and replied, his voice cold with little emotion

"I always use my forces wisely, I will be in contact once their main ship production is cut and eradicated"

The hologram of the emperor vanished in seconds, leaving Thrawn to himself. After several minutes, he stood up and walked over to a piece of art by the wall. Thrawn studied it and saw that something didn't line up.

StarKiller walked into the office and stood by Thrawn's side, speaking in a dark cold voice

"Why is this art so important, it belongs in a gallery"

Thrawn stood back and looked at the painting again, from a different angle, then he spoke

"Hmm, this is interesting, Sabine Wren has painted an image here, on this section of wall, but there is one thing that doesn't add up"

StarKiller looked at the painting and looked around it, something caught his eye, it was a piece of paper, with a painting on it. Thrawn saw this and walked over, picking it up and opening it.

"This is interesting, this wall was the sight of where Mandalorian leader Ezra Shan-Bridger left a marker that he had been there before, a calling sign. But what are the chances of them both leaving a calling sign in the same spot, on the same wall"

StarKiller looked at the collection of stuff Thrawn had gathered, and then spoke

"What do you think, hasn't all this art told you"

Thrawn looked at the other stuff and then, he looked at the lightsaber, he found it on Mandalore, both the blades were pink.

"You see this lightsaber here, I found it next to the body of Ezra Shan-Bridger's mother, Mira Shan on Mandalore, she was killed during order sixty six, but I now Believe that something is far beyond then what I once thought. Ezra Shan-Bridger and Sabine Wren were born on the same day, of the same year, of the same month"

StarKiller looked, wondering how he gained such knowledge by looking at art

"What are you talking about"

Thrawn looked over his shoulder and replied, sending shivers down StarKiller's spine

"The art of a species is what tells their history, culture and philosophy, the lines and curves tell the history of the creator, and by studying both the art of Sabine Wren and this symbol of Ezra Shan-Bridger, I have come to the conclusion that they are bound to the same fate by the force, and it is what it wants that you should be worried about"

Thrawn turned and walked out of his office, StarKiller following suit. On the Bridge of the Chimaera, Commander Faro stood. watching as several fleets of imperial warships dropped out of hyperspace. Thrawn walked up to the bridge and spoke

"Get me comms to the ships, I want them to move into position and await orders"

Faro nodded and walked to give Thrawn's orders. Thrawn walked over to the holotable and projected an image of Lothal. It was time to study their fortifications and create his tactic and strategy.

Sabine walked into her and Ezra's room on board The Shadow. Her day had been long and she needed some rest, She got in the refresher and changed into something comfortable to sleep in. She walked out and Ezra was placing his armour in on the armour stand. He turned around and smiled.

"Busy day, tiring day, I need some sleep"

Sabine smiled and spoke

"I know, you were training for several hours"

Ezra walked into the refresher, Sabine got into bed and sat up against her pillow on the wall. Ezra came out and got into bed next to her, Sabine gave him a kiss on the lips and started to see what the empire was up to on her datapad. Ezra noticed this and put an arm around her, using the force to put her datapad on the shelf away.

"Spend time together, we rarely get this time Sabine"

Sabine turned and kissed Ezra on the lips and then replied

"I know, but we must be ready for what the empire is doing"

"I know, but we're warriors, we will be ready all the time, but for now, it's getting late and we should be sleeping, getting energy for the next day"

Sabine smiled and lay down next to Ezra, closing their eyes, they got ready for a good nights sleep.

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