A New Target

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YN's pov

I was sitting in my hideout looking through the profiles of possible targets when one finally caught my eye. Aria.

"I think it's about time somebody put the over-privileged skank down once and for all." I said to myself as i grab Eagle Eye and my arrows.

I was walking through the capital when I caught sight of the blonde headed bitch and a brown haired boy around my age. I knew where she would be going so instead of following her I immediately headed for that torture chamber of hers in the woods and hid within the trees. All I had to do was wait.

When they finally arrived I saw the brown haired lad was with her. Damn it i thought he would be smart enough to realize she was bullshitting but I guess not.

Just then I heard someone coming I looked to see who it was. It was Akame of Night Raid i recognized her from the wanted posters. Before she got into sight of the others I grabbed her and pulled her up into the tree I was in. She was struggling against my grip.

"Hey! Relax! You and I have the same target here." I said to her as I undid Eagle Eye's invisibility.

"How do I know you can be trusted." she asked staring at me with those crimson red eyes of hers.

"You don't, but that's a risk you'll have to take. Now here's the plan. You focus on the blonde haired bitch and leave the guards to me." i explained to her.

Akame thought about what I said for a moment before finally nodding.

"Good. Now wait for my signal." I said as I aimed Eagle Eye at the guard beside the door.

I then released the arrow and it went right through the bastard's head and stuck in the wall behind him. I then signaled Akame to attack.

Just as she came into sight, that brown haired kid blocked her way. She just used his head as a springboard as I chuckled at his failed attempt.

Around the third time he got in Akame's way, a girl with blonde hair, lion ears, and claws showed up.

The lad then yelled "Hey!! You're the boobs from before." at her while i raised an eyebrow at the statement.

The blonde lioness then kicked the door of the shed and showed the kid how the person he was protecting isn't innocent.

Aria then proceeded to have a mental breakdown saying how the poor are just livestock for her to use as she pleased. I got sick of it and readied an arrow to put her down. But Tatsumi whose name I heard from Aria surprised me by cutting the bitch in half without hesitation.

I smiled at the action and looked over to see him holding his dying friend. I felt bad for him. The blonde then suggested bringing him as a new recruit for Night Raid. Akame didn't really seem interested but she then said to her partner that there was someone she wanted to bring along as well. Her friend nodded and asked who.

I could have swore I saw Akame smile as she turned torwards my direction.

"Hey. Can you please come out." she called out as her friend looked at her with a raised eyebrow

I happily did as I was asked.

"So shall we get going?" I asked with a smile and the two of them nodded.

Akame Ga Kill Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now