Act 1 Scene 1

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November 9, 1888
                    A cold and dark night in Whitechapel, London. The streets deserted except the few prostitutes trying to make a dime for their living. The stench of rotten garbage filled the air and sounds of the wind echoed in the streets. Low cries of babies, the drip drop of water from the pipes and every dark corner was unknown. The air became more sinister, sensing evil pushing forward. Leaving Miller's Court, he was an ordinary man, but back in the room held a dark secret. The tall and dark figure disappeared into a dark corner of the street, like a magic trick he was gone.

November 9, 1888
    "Murder! Murder!" Echoed so faintly from the neighborhood. No one bothered for the call of distress. Only in the morning, there would be a discovery that leaves every man shook to the core.

10:45 am
    Thomas Bowyer: Madam, open up! (Thomas knocks three times) Madam, Kelly! McCarthy wants his rent! You're overdue, woman! (Knocks one more time before opening the door) McCarthy needs the rent...(frozen upon the sight before him) now.

  Laying in the bed was a bloodied body of a woman, beyond recognizable. Her dress torn to shreds and covered blood. Her once sunlight blond hair, now covered and painted red. Her face, it was once there. Now, no longer. Mary's body was cut opened, her organs laid out on the table besides the bed. Her legs spread wide apart. Her right arm had abandoned the body and the left laid across the abdomen. The wall and her bed coated in blood like dried dye. The whole room looks like a butcher's paradise. Thomas regained himself and ran out the door to find McCarthy.

Thomas Bowyer: McCarthy! McCarthy! It's the woman, Mary Kelly. She's dead! Dead!

John McCarthy: WHAT! Dead?! (In shock)

Thomas Bowyer: Yes! Come see for yourself! (Runs off back to Miller's Court)

Not long after John finds himself in the building running behind Bowyer's heels. He ran up the stairs and came to Mary's room. Thomas anxiously stood by the door. McCarthy looked once more at Thomas before entering. Turning around to the corner of the room, there he saw Mary Kelly's body.

John McCarthy: Jesus Christ!

Thomas Bowyer: Sir?

John McCarthy: Stay here, Thomas! I'll get the authorities! DON'T LET ANYONE IN! (Started to run down down the hall, then turned around)

Thomas Bowyer: B-But sir..?

John McCarthy: I mean it, Thomas. Or else you're out of a job!

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