"I can understand," she spoke with a sympathetic tone. That moment, the man before her wasn't the all powerful, influential multi billionaire. He was just a tired, burdened man with only pitiful numbers of years to live.

"I will do anything within my power to help you." She said sincerely.

"Thank you...then let me say this straightforward." He cleared his throat, and it almost sounded like regret: "I wish to establish an apartment, right beside Stanley Park. And be able to live in it during my numbered years. What do you think?"

"I think that any reasonable person who's been there would think so too. And I think the same thing as well."

"Right! Just when my lawyers convinced the government, a bunch of locals started complaining, and just last week, I had to stop the constructions because a bunch of locals came a vandalized my construction equipment. So I had to stop it, and it is on hold even till now."

"I am very sorry to hear about that, so what do you want me to do exactly?"

"Ms. Catharine...no Angeline I just need you to help me deal with the locals, you were born here right?"

"Yes, I was born in Canada." Angeline replied as she leaned back and crossed her legs.

"Because I was hoping you could convince the locals to leave my project alone, I think you are much more convincing then my other lawyers." His hands leapt forward on top of her hands and held it there as his hands trembled like an earthquake.

"Please, Angeline, I know this is too much to even ask from my personal manager, but you are my last and only hope out of this situation." I was honestly creped out, but instead of pulling away, my hands stayed there while I spared him a glance of pity.

"I promise I will take care of the situation, and tell your lawyers to back off from this situation, because they only make thing more complicated."

"Understood, I will tell them to back down from the case at once." then he looked down and winced, then looked away as if he was about to cry. "What can I do to repay your service? I can pay you a million dollars as initiation, and 10 fold more once the situation is settled..."

"I am very sorry I must refuse your offer."

"Why?" Mr. Wu responded with a surprised voice.

"After hearing your wish, I promised myself I would not charge you a single cent of my service, because if I did that would be an immoral thing to do."

"Angeline...you are the most kind hearted person I met in my entire life." Mr. Wu said with a heart quenching voice. A couple minutes passed, Mr. Wu still has his head bowed low, back arched, his expression hidden behind a painful mask.

"I am highly honored to be given such a compliment, and I promise you, I will get the job done for you."

"No, it's my honor to hear those words. I do not know how to express my gratitude of your service at the moment, but your good deeds will definitely not go unrewarded." Mr. Wu said, getting up from his seat and left the room. Her eyes followed him outside the window, until he was completely out of sight. When I was sure he was completely out of sight, she leaned back on the chair stretched out. And let out a sigh.

Fool...She thought.


She had many identities; she was a thief, a trickster. She has many names; Angeline is just one them. But what makes her so different than other con-artist in comparison, is the shocking fact that she is not the innocent girl that she appears outwardly, but rather a cunning deceptive male. Only 19 years of age, his natural feminine appearance proved to be a huge advantage in his career; his ability to charm men in all sorts of scenarios and lure them into a trap, then blackmail them in the end was how he made a living. At today he owns a condo in White Rock, with a decent car and everything and another extra 5 million in his Swiss bank account. But he knows his career isn't going to last long, in just a few years his career will end, and he would have to make the most out of it as possible.

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