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Angelica's POV

We lined up for recess. Once we were out side we all ran to the playground. "The ground is lava!" I yelled. The game got boring so I headed to the monkey bars. I am the campion at the monkey bars. Then that got boring so I went over to the boys. "What are you doing?" I asked. "We are playing spy." Herc said. "Can I join?" "Sure!" Then we heard someone, that someone was Samuel Seabury. "That guys dumb!" Herc said. "Go roast him Alex!" Laf said. By the time that was done Sammy was crying. We quickly ran away from the scene. Then 'king' George came out and started making orders to everyone and calling them 'peasants' and saying to bow down to him. Peggy told on him and he had to go in side for the rest recess.

A/N I hope you enjoy make sure to vote and if any spelling errors my spelling sucks.😎

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