a while ago i did this thing im doing it again by fall out boy

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so if you are an oldie to my account you may remember me doing a list of my favorite songs and what they mean to me...im doing it again 2018 edition

oceans by frank iero and the patience

this one means quite alot to me, it was one of the first frank songs i heard and i loved it, i related to it. the title 'oceans' is special to me because i interpret the song as someone who is hiding there emotions and feelings because they are to scared of what people would think of them.

caught in the middle by paramore
this song to me is also extremely relatable, since my parents well my whole entire family is going through a tough time, my grandma has deppresion, my auntie is recovering from a stroke, my grandad is in hospital and im not to sure i have much more time with him left and my parents are going through a tough time. and im just caught in the middle of it all.

dont try by gerard way
now i love this song, but the performance gerard did with mikey of this song it makes me jealous...they have a perfect relationship while me and my brother hate each other, my brother tells me to kill myself, he tells me to stop listening to the music that is keeping me alive he is terrible to me. but the song somewhat gives me hope that one day my brother will be nice to me.

lucky people by waterparks
so this song...this song...oH BOI IT MEANS ALOT TO ME

but im not gonna tell anyone what it means to me cause ill sound like a spoilt peice of depressed shit


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