It was just a dream

Start from the beginning

"Are you kidding me?" She snorted and threw the book back in her draw and slammed it shut. "I'll get through it, no sweat. McGuire thinks I will, anyway."

"But do you really know what you're up against?"

"Of course I don't, but that's all part of the thrill of it all isn't it? Besides, I've made my way through the first two tasks just one more and it'll all be over and I can lead a fairly normal life...Sort of..."


"But what, dad?" She frowned at Snape as she slipped on a jumper for the air was chilly. "There's no but's, I've just got to get it over with."

"I know but wouldn't you just like to quit it and let the other contestants fight it out?" 

"Don't be silly, I can't just disappear mysteriously, I'll be the school's joke for purposely dropping out and being the weak person that people have got the impression off these past three years." 

"Why don't you pretend you're ill though? It's not hard and I know you'd prefer to do that!"

"I would of prefered to do that but you know, for once I've actually been looking forward to take part." 

"What if I told you that you've got to fight Lord Zuc in the third task?" Snape blurted out and Lucy paused then smiled. 

"Oh, dad, don't you worry about the visions you'll get over them just like I did." She hugged him quickly and before he had time to react she had headed out of her room and Snape sighed in defeat, if she wasn't worried nor should he be. 

*     *     *  

That next day it was, of course, lessons. But students were not in the slightest interested in them for they were more excited about the third task rather than what the teachers had to tell them about their O.W.L.S which were in fact next year. 

Even so, when they all entered Mad-eye's class they had to focus, for if they didn't who knows what sort of trouble they could get themselves in to. Lucy and Shona sat in their usual seats and waited for Mad-eye to begin the lesson. 

"No lesson planned for you lot today, just...Well, revise," Mad-eye waved his hand as though shaking the comment away or that it was not important to learn on this day. "Meanwhile, Miss Snape, I wish to talk to you outside." 

"M-Me?" Lucy stammered pointing to herself. 

"Yes, you. Now come on, I don't have any time to waste." 

Lucy gulped then looked at Shona who looked just as puzzled as her. Lucy gingerly stood up as every pair of eyes followed her out of the classroom where Mad-eye was holding open the door for her. And when they were both outside he let the door slam. 

"Yes, Professor?" Lucy asked as Mad-eye leaned against the wall, relieving himself of the strain he had to put on his leg. 

"I suppose you're wondering what the third task is going to be about tomorrow." 

"Well, yes, I suppose I was a bit curious about what the third task was going to be, for I need to plan a strategy to get me out alive." 

"Good, good, planning ahead like a good champion should." Mad-eye nodded then looked back at her again, his false eye staring to the right while his normal eye kept it's full concentration on her. "The third task...Is a maze." 

"A maze?" 

"Yes, a maze. They have transformed the Quidditch pitch into a maze. It might look easy from the outside but on the inside there will be dangers to face. Remember, this is the wizarding world, not the muggle world. Anything can happen here." 

Lucy Snape and the Return of Lord Zuc (Book Four)Where stories live. Discover now