Chapter 18

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The king sat on his throne, waiting for either the soldiers or Nadin to return. The officer and twelve of his troops returned first, blood clouding the water around some of them. "Your majesty, Alivina is dead. On our way to the jail, we found out that she was a witch who could shape shift and had powerful magic. She looked at least five hundred years old. She turned into a great white shark and killed nearly twenty of my men."

The king sat sadly as he listened to this. "I see," was all he could say, for he was at a loss for words. "It is a shame we couldn't save many more of them. Have you anything else to report?"

The officer pulled out the book and potions. "These I found in her bag. The book is a book of spells. I recommend we destroy it, and these potions, too."

The king nodded. "Do what you must. You are dismissed." He waved them away. A few minutes after they had left, Nadin came in, holding the Trident. "I believe this belongs to you." He said solemnly as he held it out to the king.

The king smiled. "You have done a great deed for us. You receive my heartfelt thanks. If there is anything I can do for you, Nadin, you just ask me."

"Thank you sir, but I don't need anything right now." He laughed. "But I might change my mind at any time, so be ready!"

The Sea Prince's LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora