Chaptr Thirty Two

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Isabelle's POV
I woke up this morning and I really wanted to go shopping. Tessa had some meeting so we could go today. She is busy all week to so I had no one to hang out with. I was in my room when someone knocked on the door.
Isabelle: Who is it?
Emilio: It's me. Please let me in.
I got up and opened the door.
Emilio: Wo. I didn't think you were gonna answer. Well, Ivan found something that you might want to see.
He led me downstairs. Well, he dragged me downstairs. I wanted to stay in bed. I went into Ivan's bathroom and the floor was covered in water.
Isabelle: Did you leave the faucet on all night?
Ivan: No. I swear.
Emilio: I saw that there was water in the yard. A lot of water in the yard.
Isabelle: When did you see it?
Emilio: when I woke up. Jake was still here so I told him.
Ivan: Didn't he say that someone was coming to turn it off.
Isabelle: If Jake did something already, why did I need to come see it?
Emilio: We thought you would want an explanation of why they were turning the water off.
Isabelle: Well, Thanks.
Emilio: We are really sorry about what happened.
Ivan: Yeah. Please forgive us.
Isabelle: I'm sorry too but, I'm not ready to accept your apology yet.
I started to walk out of the room when I felt a hand on my wrist. I spun around and saw Emilio.
Emilio: When will you be ready? I miss you.
Isabelle: The more you bug me about it, the less likely I am to actually forgive you.
Emilio's POV
She stormed out of the room. I was heartbroken. I missed her and I knew that she missed me. Just a little but she missed me.
Ivan: Give it up bro. She's probably hooked up with one of those Why Don't We boys.
Emilio: She wouldn't do that.
Ivan: Well, they are more musically gifted than us, they seem like they are funny, and let's face it, they re probably cuter than us.
Emilio: But she's just friends with them.
I couldn't help but agree with Ivan in the end. What if she did hook up with one of them already?
Isabelle's POV
I felt disgusting and I needed a shower. So I decided to text some one I knew had water.
—————Dani Boy—————
Isabelle: Can I ask you a weird question?
Dani Bay: It's 8:30. I think that weird question are allowed after 8.
Isabelle: Great. Can I come over and take a shower at your house?
Dani Boy: Wow that is a weird question. Why can't you shower at your house?
Isabelle: There's a huge leek inside and out side.
Dani Boy: Well you are always welcome to come over.
Isabelle: Awesome. Can you send me the address and I'll be there ASAP.
I got my travel shower stuff together and a WDW T-shirt and some ripped black jeans. I went to get my purse, camera, and keys and I saw the twins playing on the Xbox in the living room.
Ivan: Damn it!
Emilio: Hell yeah!
Isabelle: What are you two doing?
Emilio: Playing FIFA. I just kicked Ivan's ass. Wanna play?
Isabelle: I would love to but not right now. I'm going take a shower at the WDW house.
Ivan: With which one of them?
Isabelle: What?
Ivan: Nothing.
Isabelle: That's what I thought.
Emilio: Have fun over there. Bye mi amor.
Isabelle: I do t k of how to get this through to you, not now. Not today, not tomorrow, maybe not even the next day. I'm out. Bye losers.
The Twins: Bye.
I got in my car and drove to the WDW house. It was beautiful. They had a great view and a really cool house itself. I walked in and saw Jonah sitting on the couch.
Jonah: Hey Isabelle. Daniel told us about the water.
Isabelle: Yeah it was pretty bad. Where is everyone else?
Jonah: They are still asleep. The bathroom is down the hall and to the left.
Isabelle: Thanks. Also, if your looking for a good show, Stranger Things is amazing.
Jonah: I've heard a lot of people tell me that. Daniel won't shut up about it. I guess I'll have to watch it now.
Isabelle: Okay.
I went down the ha
L and to the left. I closed the door and freaked out. I was in the WDW house and o was bffs with two of my favorite members. My life is amazing. I took my shower and changed. I played music quietly and I sung pretty quietly too. I walked out of the bathroom and saw the all the boys standing won't their mouths wide opens.
Isabelle: Hey guys. What? Do I have something in my face?
Jack: That was amazing.
Isabelle: What was?
Jonah: Your singing.
Zach: It was wonderful.
Isabelle: What, no. I don't sing. My dad told me that I sounded like a dying moose.
Daniel: Get a new dad. You sounded awesome.
Corbyn: Would you like a grand tour of the house?
Isabelle: I would love that.
Zach: Right this way.
They gave me the full tour. Zach had to go to his room to do school stuff. The rest of us fooled around with instruments and that stuff. The guys need ed to talk so I went to the booth part of the studio. It's really just an empty room with a microphone and mattresses around it. Jack came in and we sat in the ground.
Jack: Me and the rest of the guys had decided that you need to make a demo and send it to our manager. If you don't want to you don't have to but we think that you have real talent.
Isabelle: Wow. It is amazing to hear you say that. Wow, um. Sure I'll make a demo. When do you need it?
Jack: I say next Friday at the latest.
Isabelle: I could make that work.
Jack: You can use our studio to record if you want.
Isabelle: That would be great.
We worked out days for me to come and record and all that stuff. We went to join everyone in the living room. They were all huddled tougher.
Isabelle: The hell are you guys doing.
Corbyn: Reading all the text from Emilio.
Jonah: He is desperate man.
Daniel: No joke. 13 texts in the past 5 minutes.
Isabelle: Give me that.
I looked at all of the missed texts. He really missed me. I'm just still not ready to get back together with him. I sat down on the couch. I must have started to cry because...
Daniel: Hey, everything's alright.
Corbyn: It's okay, it's okay.
Isabelle: I just can't get back together with him. I can t even be in the same room as him with out getting really mad.
Corbyn: It's fine. If you want you could stay here tonight?
Isabelle: What?
Daniel: Yeah. We all had talked about while you were on your way here.
Isabelle: Thank you guys so much.
After I got myself together, we all messed around with the instruments a little more. By the time we were done with all that it was like 1:15 so we all took a nap. When everyone was awake and Zach was done with his school thing, we played Monoply. I crushed everyone because I owned all the railroads, Electric Company and Wanter works, all the free properties, and the dark blue properties. We had pizza for dinner. We all went outside and the boys fought me how to skateboard, even though I was already really good at it. They went in to do stuff and I stayed outside to watch the sunset. I saw some one sit down next to me.
Daniel: It's beautiful.
Isabelle: It really is. The last time I saw a sunset this pretty was with Emili...
Daniel: You really miss him don't you?
Isabelle: I mean yeah but he just, I can't describe it.
Daniel: No need. I don't really need to hear about it.
We sat and looked at the sunset for a while. But o found my self constantly looking at Daniel. He must have noticed because the last time I glanced at him he moved in and...
A/N: Sorry this chapter took along time to update. Wattpad was being weird. Any way I hope you all enjoyed it. And what did Daniel do? Leave a comment and tell me what you think. Love ya🤟(new emoji)

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