Chapter Thirthy One

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Isabelle's POV
Isabelle: You make a pretty damn good Emilio, Ivan.
Ivan: What! How did you know it was me.
Isabelle: The way you kissed me. I was different than the way Emilio does.
Ivan: Was it better?
Isabelle: I don't know. Where is Emilio?
Emilio: I'm right here.
Isabelle: Dod you know about this?
Emilio: Yeah. I didn't know that you guys were gonna do nothing all day but it was supposed to be a prank. We were gonna tell you tomorrow.
Isabelle: I hate both of you. Where were you all day?
Emilio: With Chad. We went and do stuff.
Isabelle: Like what?
Emilio: Guy stuff.
Ivan: I opted to not go.
Isabelle: You are both assholes.
Ivan: Language.
Isabelle: Okay Ted.
Emilio: Oooooooo.
Ivan: What?
Emilio: And you say that you love Stranger Things.
Ivan: Oh!
Isabelle: Ivan?
Ivan: Yeah.
Isabelle: Can I talk with Emilio. Alone.
Ivan: Sure.
Emilio's POV
Chad and I just played video games in his room all day. Ivan got up and walked past me.
Ivan: (whispering) Your in trouble.
He left and closed the door.
Isabelle: What the hell man!
Emilio: What do you mean?
Isabelle: You let me spend the entire day with someone pretending to be you. Why did you let him do it?
Emilio: He really wanted to spend at least one day with you. He really likes you. And being a good brother. I let him have you for a day.
Isabelle: Can you say that last part again?
Emilio: I let him have you for a day.
Isabelle: IVAN!
He came in the room and he must have been listing.
We both looked at each other than at Isabelle. She look pissed.
Isabelle's POV
I let him have you for a day. Those words made me so mad.
Isabelle: Okay. So apparently you two need to learn something and it better stick with you otherwise you'll regret it. I'm not a toy. I'm not an object. I'm a human. And I am not give to anyone. I get to make my choices. I don't get given to someone to use for a day just to see what it would be like. Do I make myself clear?
The Twins: Yes.
Isabelle: Now. Both of you get out.
Emilio: What do you mean both of us?
Isabelle: Both of you. Ivan and Emilio. The Martinez Twins. Both of you get out.
Ivan: Bro, listen to her.
Emilio: But this is my room.
Isabelle:It's my room too. And right now, I dont want you in it.
Ivan: Bro.
Emilio: Fine. But I'll be back to go to sleep.
Isabelle: Or you won't. Here's what both of you guys are gonna do. Your gonna leave my room. You'll both sleep in Ivan's room and after you exit the room, you won't talk to me until tomorrow. Sound good?
They didn't say anything.
Isabelle: I need a yes.
The Twins: Yes.
They got up and I followed them to the door. Ivan walked out. Emilio just looked at me with his beautiful eyes. He quickly kissed me and I pulled away. He looked so sad. I slammed the door. What do they think I am? Some kind of toy? "I let him have you for a day". What the hell.
Tessa: Hey? You okay?
Isabelle: No. Ivan just pretended to be Emilio all day and I told him that I loved him and kissed him. And, Emilio told me that he let Ivan have me for the day.
Tessa: Oh hell no! He didn't.
Isabelle: He did. I kicked him out until tomorrow.
Tessa: Well I just wanted to check on you. I heard Emilio crying so I wanted to see what was up. I guess I'll leave you alone.
Isabelle: Wait, he was crying?
Tessa: Yeah. Really hard.
Isabelle: Well he did this to himself.
Tessa: I don't wanna get involved. Good night Izzy.
Isabelle: Night Tess.
She left and I threw myself on my bed. I rewatched Star Wars for a long time. I got a text at exactly midnight.
—————The Twins—————
Emi💙: It's tomorrow.
Ivan🤟: It's tomorrow. Please answer us.
Emi💙: We're Sorry.
Ivan🤟: Please.
Emi💙: I'll leave you alone. I understand if you want space.
Ivan🤟: Hello?
Emi💙: I lied, I need my charger.
Ivan🤟: Really Emilio.
Emi💙: My phone is about to die.
Ivan🤟: I have chargers.
Emi💙: We should probably stop texting about this in a group chat. We are in the same room.
Ivan🤟: You've got a point. Good night Isabelle.
Emi💙: Good night mi amor.
Emilio's POV
I messed everything up. Right when I think that Isabelle and I will be together forever, something happens.
Ivan: Bro. Bro!
Emilio: What?
Ivan: Here's a charger.
Emilio: Thanks. We really messed up.
Ivan: No. Really? I couldn't tell by the fact that she screamed at us and kicked you out of  your room until tomorrow.
Emilio: Technically today.
Ivan: Whatever. Of course we screwed up. This always happens.
Emilio: True. But I thought that this time would be different.
Ivan: We both said that last time. Let's face it, we will always mess up each other's relationships.
Emilio: So your taking the blame on this?
Ivan: No. This was all your idea.
Emilio: Your the one who begged me to break up with her.
Tessa: Whoa whoa whoa. Slow down. Break up with her?
Tessa's POV
My best friend was mad. I couldn't stand to see her like that so I did what I said o wasn't gonna do, get involved.
Tessa: No one is begging anyone to breakup with anyone.
Ivan: What do you want Tessa?
Tessa: I want to know why my best friend is super pissed off. She said it was because you two idiots talked about her like an object. Now, what the hell was going through your heads when you decided this was a good idea.
Emilio: Now's not a good time Tessa.
I started to get really mad.
Tessa: I need answers. Now!
Emilio: Okay. Ivan, tell her.
Ivan: What the hell bro!
Emilio: Fine. He really likes her and wanted to see what it's like to date Isabelle so I suggested that he pretend to be me, as a joke of course. But, he was like yeah. And called Chad and told him and they worked everything out. I did t want to do it but he's my brother and I love him and so I let him.
Tessa: Okay, well that's all a lot of bull. Isabelle is pissed off and it is your fault. And I now know why.
Ivan: You Do?
Tessa: Yeah, I do. You two are treating her like some toy that you both want. I know Izzy and it's gonna take a lot to get back on her good side. But, I can help you.
Emilio: I'm all ears.
Ivan: Me too.
Tessa: Okay, this is what your gonna do...

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