No Grand Occasion

Start from the beginning

She didn't look different than when he last saw her, but there was a certain air around her that made her aura different. Her smile was still as bright, her hair was still huge and falling over her shoulders, her eyes were twinkling with its usual glee...but there was something different.

Catching his eyes Kani gives him a wink and a small smile before saying "You're looking at my motherly glow" her words only interpreting itself in Milah's head after he looked at her for about a minute or so.

Gasping he opens his mouth to talk but she beats him to it "Yes, yes...I'll soon be a mother" with a large smile and a pat to her stomach.

After accepting his congrats she looks at Khal with a bored expression. "You know father has been requesting your presence in the throne room for a while now" Kani tells Khal with her legs crossed and her eyes strained on her nails, they were painted white...

"I am well aware Kani, I can't exactly go with Milah looking like he's about to be sick" Khal replied with an eye roll and a kiss to Milah's forehead. He was actually starting to feel better, his head had stopped aching and his eyes were now clear.

Looking down at his clothes to make sure it hadn't rumpled in a way that was unattractive, he sighed in relief when he saw that it was only rumpled slightly.

"I'm ready" Milah says aloud and pulls away from Khal to stand on his own and pull Khal up too. He could do this, he just had to show the Pharaoh that he was worthy of his son.

Technically, all they had to do was bring Milah belongings into Khal's residence and they would be married, however according to the royal rules, they had to get the Pharaoh's permission to get married or else, their marriage would be void.

Praying silently as he walked hand in hand with Khal to go see his father, he prayed that nothing would go wrong, prayed that he would be accepted, he didn't care if the Pharaoh won't like him, he just prayed for no opposition to their marriage.

Pushing the large door that lead to the throne room open after the guards had announced their presence, Milah's eyes were assaulted with the sight of the beauty that was in the throne room, the walls were covered in hieroglyphics, all telling the story of the crown descending from generation to generation.

Two large golden statues of cats stood at both sides of the Pharaoh's throne and right in between sat the man they had come to see.

In all the years that Milah had been a slave in the palace, he had never set eyes on the Pharaoh, he didn't know what the man looked like...If he had he would have probably realized Khal's was the prince a while ago.

The Pharaoh's skin as dark as coal, he didn't look so old for a man that was seventy and three, he had a friendly face with a pitch of sternness in it, his eyes a sharp color of gold, just like Khal's and most of all the beautiful crown that sat on his head.

It was the Blue Crown (The Khepresh) is a blue cloth or leather headdress decorated with bronze or gold discs. The Blue Crown was worn in battles, as well as on ceremonial occasions.

Bowing down at the Pharaoh, Milah stood silently beside Khal as he waited to be assaulted with questions and to be looked down upon.

"Khal leave us" Khal's father spoke, his voice sending a chill through Milah's back, he looks at Khal silently pleading with his eyes for him not to go...

Looking hesitant Khal gives him a kiss on his right cheek whispering "Put your chin up, you look beautiful" leaving the room in slow strides.

Milah looks at the pharaoh and feels like whimpering but he remembers how far he's come, how many hurdles he had passed to stand here today and with that confidence he raises his chin. He was never the type to let people push him over and he wasn't about to start that now, even if he felt like running at the moment.

"I have heard a lot about you" the king says softly but his voice still sounded so powerful, his golden eyes looked upon Milah with such intensity, intense not the way Khal looked at him but in a scrutinizing intensity.

"Do you love my son?" he asks after silence covers them for a while, the question pushes Milah out of his haze and he replies in a beat.

"I love Khal with all my heart, yes, I do love your son" his own voice was soft and he is reminded that he didn't have to be forceful with his words to get the point across; he was sure the pharaoh heard him loud and clear.

"You do understand that after you marry my son, there is no going back, I will not allow it" Khal's father voiced with his eyes strained on Milah intently. While he had no intention of going back, the king's words still sent a chill down his spine.

"Yes sir" he affirmed softly with a small sigh, this was it, his consent has been given and now he awaits verdict.

"Khaldun!" Nebtawi calls and Khal is walking into the room with his head high, his prince, his future Pharaoh, he couldn't believe this was the Khal he had grown up with, the Khal he had given his heart to...But here he was, standing beside him to hold his hand.

"Father?" Khal asks in question.

Standing up slowly from his throne, Nebtawi raised his cobra headed staff and recited "By the order of Ramses, my father and his father before him, I proclaim you married" hitting his staff on the ground hard, making an echo ring through the room. He nodded and then left them standing there.

"Your father is dramatic" Milah states with a small chuckle, the fact that he was now married slowly setting on him.

"Hmm, husband" Khal murmurs with a twinkle in his eyes as he pulls Milah to him, "How does that sound?" he asks with a large smile on his face.

"It sounds beautiful Khaldun" he replied with a shy giggle.

You may not realize, but the honorable commitment to each other in marriage is actually a tradition that originated in Egypt. Surprised, right? But it's true. The first time a relationship was given a legal name was in ancient Egypt.

The rulers of ancient Egypt laid down several laws, rights and duties, one of the firsts being gender equality opportunities. The ancient Egyptians were the first to give the right to divorce to both husbands and wives.

In fact, the universal wedding symbol, the perfectly round ring, also dates back to the ancient Egypt, when the circle of the ring represented a union without beginning, without end. Now that's something beautiful.

Her Royal Awesomeness: Yassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, it has been done, they are married!!

I hope you liked this chapter, I wrote it in two days, I really feel proud, and I'm coming out of this writer's block. I am very glad it didn't take up to a week to post this lol

So Kani is pregnant! Yas? Yas???

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Note: I posted this chapter twice today, I don't know what's wrong

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