Might as well go late

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6:30 in the morning rolled around way too soon. my alarm blared through my ear drums making them ring. rubbing my eyes and realizing i still had on last nights makeup, i forced myself out of bed to wash my face just to redo what i had taken off. my eyes scanned my closet quickly putting ideas of what outfit i should wear in my head but moved onto the next. i pulled my legs into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and then put on a plain grey t-shirt with a red and white plaid shirt unbuttoned over the t-shirt.

putting on some white ankle socks and slipping my feet into my black and white nike tennis shoes i grabbed a pair of black sun glasses and my backpack. heading downstairs my mother awaited dressed properly in her church attire so she could leave for bible study after i go to school.

"tonight were helping pastor and his wife set up some new decorations for the chapel." she said blatantly sipping her coffee.

saying nothing i grabbed a water bottle ripped the paper off and headed out the door.

luna was sitting in her car playing on her phone while she was waiting for me outside. her eyebrows furrowed in question looking at my relaxed outfit choice. she wore her usual pretty goth attire while i look like i have a hangover.

"did you stay up too late or something?" she laughed a bit.

"something like that, do you have weed?" i asked changing the subject.

"yeah always. " she glanced at me as she stopped at a light.

"can we go smoke before school or something? parents are driving me insane and i cant take more bullshit right now." i huffed running my hand through my hair.

"yeah sure lets go to isabelle's." i nodded and leaned further into seat pulling the sunglasses over my eyes before closing them during the ride to her girlfriends.


"yo, we're here get up." luna shook my shoulder and getting out of the car.

i checked my phone to see the time was going on 8:00am. i pushed the iphone in my back pocket as we walked up the short stair case to isabelle's front door. after a couple minutes she opened the door and look surprised to see us standing there.

"hey babe what are you doing here?" she shyly tucked some hair behind her ear.

"well avery has been having a rough time lately and wanted to smoke so i wanted to bring you along" she said stepping closer to her and gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

"well you guys can smoke in my room, my parents arent home this week so i dont care." she said quietly.

stepping aside and letting us in, we followed her to her room in the back of the house. i never been inside isabelle's house before so i took in all of my surroundings.

it was a two story house with a staircase to the attic, lunas's room was down the hall on the first floor and her room was pretty big. the walls were a dark teal color with pictures of her, luna, friends and family all over the walls. her bed was a mattress on a box spring in the corner of the room by the window that had black sheer curtains. fairy lights were placed all around the room near the ceiling, and her white vanity set was covered in makeup and school work.

"sorry my bed isnt made i dont usually make it in the morning." she apologized for her white sheets hanging off the bed exposing the green fitted sheet. she picked up the grey fallen pillows off the floor and proceeded to make her bed.

luna opened a drawer of panties and moved them around until she found the glass bong she was looking for.

"grab the weed from my purse will ya?" she asked turning to me for a moment before going out of the room into the bathroom for the water.

i turned around to find her purse and once i found it on the lounge chair on the other side of the window i opened it pulling the canister of bud out of a small pocket.

luna came back just as isabelle finished her bed. i sat in the lounge chair and playing on my phone after tossing luna the canister.

isabelle packed the bowl and handed it to luna. taking a hit she blew the smoke in isabelle's face. i leaned over to take the bong and take a long drag feeling it in my lungs. as i was trying to hand it to isabelle she shook her head no.

"she doesnt smoke i just like to get her contact high." luna laughed kissing her.

"job,parents other?" i asked coughing a bit.

"my parents dont care they do worse, how they manage to keep their jobs is beyond me." she rolled her eyes and luna rubbed her back giving a sympathetic smile.

"sorry bell,wish i could say i know how it feels but i cant." i became a bit sad.

"no its okay, im glad you cant say that. having parents who neglect you because they do drugs and bury themselves in work isnt something i wish upon anyone." she took the bong and handed it to luna.

the three of us talked, listened to music and filled the room with smoke for about 3-4 hours before we decided we should leave for school soon.


A/N sorry i havent been updating i really havent had the motivation to do so but i really will try to update more often.

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