Can i meet your parents?

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Elijah and I lay on the hood of his car staring up into the starry night sky. Our hands clasped together tightly, not caring about the sweat from our palms.  I turn to look at him, the moon light shining on half his face, I can see his big green eyes.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees me staring. A smirk plays on his lips before he finally faces me.

"What's on that beautiful mind of yours ?" Elijah asks sweetly.

"Nothing. Just thinking of how amazing you are is all." I smile and then turn my head forward closing my eyes.

"I believe you are the amazing one, my love. " I open one of my eyes at his response and I could feel my face heat up.

The car radio begins to play a slow love song, giving me butterflies while I imagine a future with Elijah.

"May I have this dance my lady?" I sit up to see Elijah bowed over with his hand out for me to take.

Setting my hand in the palm of his gently, he spins me around wrapping our arms around me and slowly swaying together. His chin rests on my shoulder, my head leaning against his we just stand on the grass cliff in front of the head lights swaying to the music, enjoying each other's warm embrace.

Elijah lifts his head and untangles me from our arms and pulls me close to him. One arm placed at my lower back as the other holds my hand in his hand. My free arm rests on his relaxed bicep and our eyes are locked.

My emotions are nothing but happy at this very moment. There's no worries, doubts, people getting in the way of us because it's just the two of us out here alone.

"Avery, can I tell you something with out you freaking out?" Our swaying slowed to a stop and I just look up to him with furrowed brows.

"What is it Elijah ?" My voice rang clear with worry.

"There's a reason why I brought you here." He trailed off.

"We've been seeing each other for about 4 months now and the only ones who know are your sister along with her girlfriend. I want to meet your parents." My heart froze and I broke the closeness of us. Feeling the cold hit me in an instant I cross my arms and shake my head.

"Babe you don't understand how my parents are. They are super religious, judge-mental people." I rushed through my explanation trying to make him change his mind.

"Baby calm down, if you don't think now is a good time to meet them then fine, but I'd like you to meet mine." He gives a smile but I could tell he's hurt.

"Okay I can do that, I just don't want to tell them about us yet it's too soon." I kiss him on the cheek and turn on my heels and sit inside the warm vehicle. Elijah silently gets into the car and we back out of the spot we've been at for a few hours.

"What time is it?" I ask softly, trying to not make things tense.

"It's going on 11:40 pm." He replies, taking a quick glance at the digital clock on the stereo.

"Fuck! My parents are going to kill me!" I exclaim, taking fist fulls of my hair and pulling it for a moment before letting it go.

"It's okay I'll take you home right now, hopefully they're not up." Elijah soothes my panic and rubs his thumb back and forth on my hand.

I let out a deep breath and close my eyes trying to figure out every possible thing they could say and what my response would be.
After what felt like an eternity but was only 20 minutes I finally reach home.

Elijah parks in front of my unlit house, and turns the engine off. Slowly unbuckling my seatbelt I sit there and face him.

"Thank you for the great night my love, I'm sorry I freaked out about you meeting my parents, I just want to make sure we're going to last before I bring you home, I hope you understand." I bite my lip in anxiousness.

"Yeah I understand, it doesn't change how I feel about it though. Good night Avery." He nods before he kisses my forehead, unlocking the doors.

I give a sad smile and get out, taking my things with me.
Stepping up to the door I waved bye once more watching him drive off. I search my purse for my keys and unlock the door as quiet as I could. The house was dark so I let a breath of relief thinking I got away with being out so late, until I heard a throat being cleared.

My head snaps in the direction of the stairs and I see my mother at the top, with curlers in her hair and her pink rob wrapped around her small framed body.

"Heyy mom." I nervously drag out my greeting.

"Where the H,E, double hockey sticks were you?" She crosses her arms and taps her slipper covered foot against the hard wood stairs.

"Luna and I got caught up doing homework and lost track of time." I don't keep eye contact with her and I can tell she isn't buying it.

"Right, Avery you've been staying out late almost every weekend for the past couple months and I don't think I like this new you."

"Mom I'm 17 going on 18, it's normal for me to stay out late."

"Normal or not, you are my child and you do as I say. From now on you're helping at the church so I can keep an eye on you."

"Mom that's ridiculous!" I snap.

"Don't you use that tone of voice on me unless you want to wake up your father, now get your butt in your room and go to sleep." She turns on her heel and closes her bedroom door.

I feel like I want to scream but I just angrily walk to my room and lock my bedroom door. I change into my pjs and turn on sum 41.

Crawling under the covers and laying my head against the soft pillow, tears escape my eyes and sleep overcomes me taking me to dream land.

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