Chapter Two

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It's Saturday. Finally. I rolled over and unplugged my phone out of the charger.

Two notifications shined from my phone.


Hey!!! Missed you at school troublemaker. Meet me at the library @ 10:30!!

From: Emma


I looked at the clock. 9:50am shined brightly. I set my phone down and ran to the bathroom. I turned it on and picked out some clothes. I picked up black leggings and a long loose tank top.

After I took a 5 minute shower I did my makeup. I did my eyeliner and added a wing. I wore red lipstick dark eye shadow. My usual everyday makeup.

I dressed my self and grabbed a pair of flats. I blow dried my hair. I left it loose and grabbed my phone it was 10:13.

I walked to my closet and grabbed my leather jacket. I walked out of my bedroom door making sure to shut the light off behind me.

I walked down the stairs and stopped when bags were blocking in the middle of the hall.

"Dad. What's up with the bags?" I asked pouring my self a cup of coffee.

"Your going on tour with us." My dad said smiling.

"What? Dad No." I protested.

"Yes." He said and sat at the table to drink his coffee and watch something of the tv that lays beside the dining table.

I poured out my cup of coffee in the sink.

"I'm going go to Starbucks. Don't wait up." I said and grabbed my keys. I went to my car and turned it on. I slammed my head on the wheel.

I take deep breath and pull out of the drive way. My hands start sweating when I stop at the red light. My mom died when I was little. She ran a stop sigh because she was late to pick me up.

When the light turned green I  started driving. I pulled in to the parking lot of Starbucks and went into the coffee shop. I ordered and then sat at one of the tables.

I grabbed out my phone.

To Emma:

Tell Josh I will be a little late!! SORRY!!!!!!!

I drank my Starbucks and returned to my car. While I drove a nervously tapped my steering wheel.

I entered the library and we went to our place. The very back of the library. No one every goes back there.

"So ready to egg?." Josh asked. He wore his Letterman jacket.

I smiled and Emma pulled out a box of eggs and handed them to me. I looked in the aisle in front of us.

Emily Axle stood there looking threw the movies. She was the .most popular girl in school. She has a crush on Josh.

We send Josh to talk to her. I climb up the bookshelf and sit on top. I watch as Josh talks to her and she twirls her his  on her finger trying to look cute.

I cover my mouth trying not to laugh. Emma hands ME three eggs and I drop one then one after that and then my last one. I climb down and we run to her aisle. I hand Josh an egg and we surround her.

"Say it." Emma commands as she holds her camera.

"I just got egged." Emily said and we all  threw the eggs at her then ran out of the library.

A/N: That was a chapter so you can get to know her a lot better.

Okay so..

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If you need something to comment about you can comment about your summer or when you get out of school.

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Happy Summer (:

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