Chapter 16

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"What can I get you guys?" I said to a mom and her son, he looked about 5 or 6.

"Um.. I'll have a diet coke to drink and my son will have apple juice." The lady said looking at the menu.

I nodded and went to get the order.

As you can guess I'm working at a restaurant, it's call " Gigs Diner. " Its s small diner.

I went back to the table and gave them there drinks.

"And to eat?"

"Ill have a number 7 and 9."


I untied my apron and put on top of my dresser. My shift was finally over.

I sat on my bed and grabbed my phone.


Harry: I miss you.x

I smiled at my screen. We have been secretly dating, I'm pretty sure only Louis knows.

Me: I miss you too:)

I locked my phone and clicked on the tv.

I decided to tweet.

@AbgailHiggins: Starting a new school tomorrow. Kill me now.

I got a message from Harry.

Harry: I should buy you plane ticket.

Me: haha I got a job, Styles I can afford my own.;)

Harry: Yes, because 50 dollars a week really help ;)

Me: every penny counts right :)

Harry: I just want to see you. it's like 4am here and u stayed up because I knew you would want to talk right now

Me: I know babe, soon. Get some rest. Goodnight :)

Harry: Goodnight beautiful :)

I plugged my phone into the charger and layed back in my bed.

I know right now a teenager is complaining because there life sucks. Every teenager does.. right?


Hope you liked this heart warming chapter.

I have so much to do today.

Next chapter I'm introducing a new lovely girl.

:) See you unicorns later.

Comment for a follow ;) I'm feeling happy today.

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