The New Me

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Reader POV
As Ellie hugged me behind, Carnage held two fingers against one of her ears before groaning in annoyance

Carnage: Go ahead and play with him Ellie, I gotta go for A bit

Ellie nods eagerly as carnage leaves the room and shuts the door, leaving me with Ellie.

(Yn): Ellie? What did she do to you? What ever it is I can help you fix it
Ellie: I'm already "Fixed" (Yn)... And so are you. You just need a push~

She then tried to bite my neck through my suit as she began to scratch at it.

Ellie: Come on (Yn)... Let me under that suit~
(Yn): Ellie, you need to listen to m-
Ellie: No. You need to listen to me.

Ellie then walks in front of me before sitting on my lap while having her hands on my chest as I saw pieces of her own symbiote begin to cover her.

Ellie: I know, ok? About your identity. Where you live. The people who are improtant to you and so on. Do you really think I wouldn't use this information unless I wanted to hurt you? When Venom first told me about you, I was filled with Hate for you...

She then began to claw at my suit in an attempt to rip it off like how a child would rip at a candies wrapping. Thanks to the vibranium weeving that Mr. Stark and the Black Panther added to my suit, Ellie couldn't pierce through it with her claws.

Ellie: But I decided to be patient. Despite my hatred and venom's atempts of making me change my mind, I waited. The longer I waited...

She then took one of her claws and the symbiote crawled off of her hand and she held my cheek with her gentle hand.

Ellie: The longer I waited, the more I began to feel the love I have for you return... I wanted to protect you... Keep you safe from the enimes that you can't beat but...

She then leaned over to the side of my head as she smiled

Ellie: I wouldn't have to worry about your safety... If you never left my side. Now I'm going to tell you One. More. Time... Let me under your suit.

Female Venom x Male Spider-Man readerWhere stories live. Discover now